June 9, 2018

spill your guts

Folks, pay attention to this—Much of what I write is my opinion and my belief.  Sooooo don’t pay much attention to it.  I repeat, don’t get soooo riled up about what I write.  Everyone doesn’t think the same which can cause problems.  We walked the High Line by the Hudson River.  It is an old elevated rail line that was once used for meat processing and dairy product processing.  It is now a tourist attraction.  When we climbed up the steps to get to the line, there was this sign that I found quite interesting.  What are your thoughts about what is written?  That is what I thought. 

God can handle your emotions — He gave them to you, after all! He can handle your anger, doubt, fear, questions, grief, and even your complaints. Be honest; tell it to God. Get it off your shoulders. Spill your guts! Tell God exactly how you feel: “God, I hurt!” This is exactly what Job did. Job was brutally honest with God: “I can’t be quiet! I am angry and bitter. I have to speak” (Job 7:11 GNT).  AverageJoe says—Getting it off our chest sorta kinda cleanses our mind and soul and cleans a person's gut!. 

She sorta kinda spilled her guts to me.  The other day I talked to a gal who I haven’t talked to for maybe 45 years.  She was a former student way back then.  Back then she was disgruntled with the world and still is.  Crazy.  I asked her what she does now that she is retired from the postal service—I write and call my government representatives; I’m unhappy how things are going—sooo are you liberal or conservative—neither—do you like Trump—no—did you like Obama—not entirely—do you like your husband—not always!  I don’t think she will change.  She is a feisty woman alright. I gave her an opportunity to get it off her chest and she took it!  Such is life.

We were on the 2nd green last Wednesday when a golf buddy/friend spilled his guts.  He told us that he did a stupid think and then told us (i.e. we all laughed).  Another golf buddy said—yes, that was stupid (i.e. and we all laughed again).  Then another golf buddy said—Now you did 2 stupid things; the second one is telling us the stupid thing you did (i.e. we all laughed again). I really had a good time with these guys. Youwhothinkthemostimportaantthingisthesocreandbeatingsomeone won’t understand this.  Yes, we are all competitive and probably know what we are shooting but it isn’t the most important part of the outing.  LuckieEddie says—The score is the stupid part of the game a.k.a. comparing!  A freind says--When the goner gongs, it ain't going to make much difference what your golf score is! Such is life.

I stopped and got some bread, bananas, and eggs the other morning.  I used my credit card but wasn’t really paying much attention (i.e. I can do that easy).  ANYWAY, when it says is this a debit card I pressed yes as I thought it was asking if this the right amount (i.e. I assumed).  Then it asked for my pin. That is the time I knew I messed up.  Sooooooo, I canceled it and started over.  I told the clerk—usually it’s erv’s error; I don’t like erv’s errors!  She said—I don’t like errors either unless I’m an heir in an estate; then I like to be a heir!    

I know of a person who is in poor health (i.e. life probably will end soon).  This person is not a believer but is thinking about becoming a believer (i.e. that is what getting closer to death can do to some).  But this person is struggling with accepting the “grace” of Jesus Christ as a gift (i.e. a true gift has no strings attached).  This person thinks they must earn it.  Their whole life was about power and money (i.e. it appears) and is measured by those two things (i.e. comparing to others—some think a free gift ain’t fair).  Ouchy ouchy!  My home is in heaven. I’m just traveling through this world.” Billy Graham 

When in NYC we went to the 9/11 Museum.  We heard and read sad stories, incredible escape stories, such happy stories, heroic stories and stories of folks who died in the tragedy.  Everyone had and does have a story.  Everyone.  I got a couple of text messages from a couple of friends that were pretty thought provoking to me.  #1--You're right though, people sometimes bother me more than animals. #2--I read your column this Saturday and thought about our talk last week and how our parents played a role in how we live our lives today. It has taken me awhile to (not the 72 years here on earth) learn to be more excepting of others, their beliefs, ethnicity’s, genders, and whatever! I really would be called an independent leaning more for the down and outers.  It always helps to say! What would Jesus do, what would he say!  I get the impression he did not hang out with the mighty rich during his lifetime. Kerry and I have all we need and more. We have tithed all our years together and we have been blessed many times over. Both have had cancer, Kerry twice. We just keep plugging away!  My life was spared in Vietnam many times and I have always thought God kept me alive so could do some good for someone else on this earth. Let’s talk soon!  ~  Happenstance, na, I don’t think soooooo!  Soooo I was sweeping our drive when a long-time friend was going by in his pickup.  He stopped and talked.   What a great conversation we had.  This guy, along with his wife, point in the right direction it appears (i.e. good, real folks with good hearts—my kind of folks). 

Recently I ran into a long-time friend at the golf course.  He told me his recent story about himself and asked me if I would stop and see him.  Sooooo I did.  He was going to have some medical procedures done at Mayo (i.e. started this last Tuesday).  They will impact his life but he doesn’t know exactly how and to what degree.  He and his wife and I had a very nice talk. I like these folks.  He asked me the question—How come?  I told him I have no idea.  We probably will never know.  Life is not always fair!  The only thing that is fair is the Butler County Fair and it’s June 20-24. I told him I really care about him and will pray for him.  BUT he text me the next day and told me that he was getting the Proton beam treatment (i.e. his insurance company approved it).  Not all get this new, advance treatment.  How come he got it and others don’t?  I have no idea.  Life is not always fair.  Such is life.

Travelling with other people and travel in general can be exhilarating and exhausting. Seasoned travelers learn to take unexpected delays and opportunities in stride: this is part of the experience. Novice travelers often feel overwhelmed and anxious, unsure of how to proceed (i.e. get all bent out of shape). That is much like life (i.e. my opinion).  We need to learn to relax!  LuckieEddie says—The things I used to care to do, I’m not as interested in anymore, but I really don’t care that I have lost my interest!  I got up early the other morning and did what I enjoy doing (i.e. not what others wanted me to do but what I wanted to do).  I enjoy early morning and being by myself.  Some of you might think that is a waste of time; I think it’s a great investment for me (i.e. good for my soul, mind and heart—my opinion). Then, I washed the windows!  Such is life.

I’m going to spill my guts.  Yes, I am.  This is about Bob and Jan (i.e. the story was told to me by Randy and Galene who are mutual friends).  When I was on my respite, Arlene stayed in an assisted living facility with a dementia unit.  She ate her meals in the dining area along with the other assisted living folks.  She was eating breakfast with Bob and Jan (i.e. long-time friends).  Arlene was struggling with using the utensils.  Jan asked her if Bob could feed her. She said yes, and Bob feed her.  Bob was the carpenter who built our house some 44 years ago.  There are good folks in this world; yes, there are.  A great, touching story to me!

I talked to an old friend at breakfast the other day.  He raises show sheep.  I asked him when  the shows start—the end of June and then all summer—do the same folks show the same sheep at many of the shows—yep—do the same sheep win—no, not necessarily; depends on the judge—you mean some judges look at different qualities—maybe but it’s more who you know; if folks know the judge personally, they do better—soooo are you saying it isn’t always fair—you can call it what you want but it’s who you know; it ain’t nuttin new!  JudgeItchieBitchie says—Everyone can be bought; it’s just how many bucks will it take!!!!  I have my price!

I have an acquaintance who does dumb stuff.  He says he is sorry but then does some more dumb stuff and again says he is sorry; again, again and again.  I try to forgive him but enough is enough.  Politicians and entertainers do that tooooo and expect others to always to forgive them and then have life as it always was (i.e. just forgive me and forget about it).  NOT SOOOOOO FOLKS!  I read this in the paper soooo it must be right—Joke was on Roseanne this time!  I sure would hope soooo.  Yes, we can forgive folks and probably should but---SORRY, YOU ARE STILL FIRED! CadillacJack  says--We can’t afford to have you perform another train wreck!  Ouchy ouchy!  Your past record is one train wreck after another!  We need a new engineer!  Now Samantha Bee said some bad stuff (i.e. my opinion) and some think it’s not sooo bad.  Soooo do some get more slack than others (i.e. like who is writing the article or in sheep judging, who you know)?  Is that fair? JoeBlow says—Maybe it depends what kind of horse trader you are! Now that could be!  Such is life.

SusieQ says--It appears that many awards and glory are given to folks who are judged speculatively (e.g. nicest kid in the class, prettiest girl, best sheep, etc.) and some #1s are judged by facts (i.e. like the winner of the mile race, top sales person of the company, who hit the most home runs in the season, etc.). I understand that folks will pay huge money to buy a possible #1 hog in trying to win the 4-H grand champion at some county fair.  Money talks folks!  Such is life.

My Mom, Anna, would say to me—erv, just try to do good and then forget about it. Don’t try to do good for self-glorification; you will be disappointed; do good stuff ‘cause it is the right thing to do.  We live in a very competitive culture where many want to be recognized for doing good.  I would guess all of you have thought that you should have been recognized for your good but weren’t; others got the glory; and how about your kids not getting any glory that you thought they should?  Suggestion—Try not to be that way.  Our lives will be much happier.  Just be happy for others and their recognition.  GeorgeTheCrook says—Many folks don’t want recognition, and many do. You know which one you are. Don't kid yourself. Others know for sure if you don't think you know!  ha ha

Let you and I be the recognizers!  That’s right.  Let you and I recognize folks as to how great they are.  We all know great folks that probably won’t get their picture in the paper or on Facebook or be publicly recognized as to how great they are.  They won’t, soooo let you and I recognize them by telling them in some form (i.e. like vocally, text, email, a pat on the back or a written note).  Do it to someone who isn't getting attention (i.e. maybe someone who doesn't get many accolades).  Do you think they might appreciate it?  Of course they will. They are great folks, but many times don’t have anyone to tell them how great they are.WildWillie says—There are two kinds of folks in the world, givers and takers.  Which type of person do you think is the happiest?  SweetJane says--When you think of someone else, we are happier; that's a no brainer!  Sooooo this week, tell three folks how great they are. How do you think they will feel?  How do you think you will feel? Suck it up cupcake and let's get going!

I wrote a paragraph and now I deleted it.  I wrote it “at a spur of the moment” and now I didn’t like it.  It didn’t feel right (i.e. most of my writing is done about “it feeling right”—does that make any sense to you—that is what I thought). I like to write something one day and then reanalyze it the next day.  Many times, I modify it or delete it.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--About 53 percent of grocery purchases are “spur of the moment.” CadillacJack says—It’s a higher percentage for me.  Can you tell?

Saturday question—What is in your guts today? Maybe there are days when we need a good laxative to clean our guts out.  Clean guts feel, oh sooooo good!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans! (-:


MyFreindJean says—When you help someone else up the hill, you reach the top yourself.

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