September 28, 2019

aye yai yai

Well rub-a-dub dub, three men in a tub! The butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker (i.e. the meaning of the three is all-inclusive—everyone—all of us—all means all-inclusive). That sorta kinda makes me laugh.  The history of that nursery rhyme is about a pep show at a fair.  That’s right.  I don’t know much about sheep, but I was told that they follow each other (i.e. considered dump and I heard the old expression—a sick sheep is a dead sheep).  ANYWAY, you’ve heard the expression, "Get one to go and they will all go." This means that if one sheep will move then the entire flock will follow (i.e. all). I was told that this is because of their gregarious instinct, the desire to stay together for protection. I look at some groups of folks and wonder if that is what certain groups of folks are—sheep (i.e. if one jumps off the cliff, they all do).  Aye yai yai!  BestyBest asks—Soooo does that mean that if you get the leader (i.e. the leader of the pack) to follow you, then the rest will toooo?

WorldClassLarry says--A quarrelsome tone usually provokes anger and resistance. We may win the argument but lose the person. There is truth in this ditty, “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” But a gentle spirit can sometimes have huge massive effects on others. MyWayOrTheRoadLawrence says—That is unless you are talking about money, religion or politics!

Albert Szent-Gyoergyi, a biochemist who won the 1937 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine or was it motorcycle racing said, “Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different."  Aye yai yai!  The old expression in investing is to do just the opposite of the crowd.  I kid that we live in a huge massive corn field; we sorta kinda do.  We live in rural IA folks.   Corn prices haven’t been very good, but they did spike maybe a month ago up to $4.10.  Some farmers sold a lot, some sold a little and some sold none.  How do they know when to sell? Now the price is currently about $3.70.  Now you hear farmers say—I should have sold more, or I should have sold it all. Hindsight! Da! Farmers are very optimistic; they think it will always go higher. 

When it comes down to it, I don’t know if MissPerfect (i.e. she’s a clinic alright) just reacts the way the big group thinks (i.e. whichever way the wind blows).  TheSmartGalDownTheStreet says—98% of the folks are zombies, they don’t have a clue what is going on; they just go along with the crowd (i.e. they just cover their bases).  TheDutchFanatic asks—Soooooo erv, what does that have to do with the price of milk? Nothing really, it’s just an add-on to an already too-busy life. SlimyLena says--A person has to do what a person has to do to get ahead in this old world; whatever it takes (i.e. like having your mom do your work). Aye yai yai! 

AverageJoe says--There are hiccups in life.  I was having the evening meal with the residents and some of their family at the memory unit last weekend.  There were two residents and their spouses sitting at one table.  They told me their short story of their spouses’ dementia (i.e. they are all pretty much the same).  One of the spouses is younger who still works while her husband is in the memory unit.  The other one’s wife is more advanced in the disease.  As I left their table I said—Sooooooo sad.  One spouse said to me—erv, and there is nothing we can do about it; we have no choice.  Aye yai yai! I realize that a lot of you, ok maybe most of you, ok all of you have issues in your lives that are “issues that there is nothing you can do about” (i.e. all kinds of things). This feeling is soooooo humbling. I guess that has been that way for ever.  JoeBlow says—It appears that some folks seem to have better lives than others.  Why do you think that is?  That is what I thought. Aye yai yai! 

CadillacJack says—There are folks who think they have all the answers and have life all figured out.  I agree with you CadillacJack, but I don’t think those folks have it all figured out; I think they are in for some big surprises.  Generally, folks back away from such folks who think they know everything.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. The reason is: unequivocally, they do not know all the answers.  I think, my opinion, that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have a lot to do with most everything, but I don’t understand it (i.e. their understanding I cannot fathom).  In Ecclesiastes 8:17b it says—Even a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend.  Aye yai yai!  If I forget to rinse out my oatmeal bowl in the morning, the oatmeal dries up and it sticks hard to the bowl.  I need to soak it to make it softer.  I wonder if I need that in my life.  I need to be soaked.  Could be. 

I recently had the opportunity to visit with some old friends who I respect (i.e. I listened, and I enjoyed their opinions). They seem to see the big picture and don’t think they know everything (i.e. my opinion but your opinion might be different).  Maybe that is one of the reasons I enjoy being around them.  I listened to them about their opinions about some issues that I have some interest in.  I didn’t voice my opinion but just listened.  I don’t think everyone would agree with their possible solutions to a problem—I did think their ideas had real merit.  Soooooo, I also had the opportunity to hear a speaker the same day that had pretty much an opposite view—but it was more like a fact and not an opinion— pretty much cut and dried (i.e. my opinion).  Soooooo there we go.  Sooooo, I guess we pretty much pick the side we pretty much believe in. LuckieEddie says—It sounds like politics! It seems like collaboration is an impossibility.  My opinion is that I think collaboration is possible but unlikely. SusieQ says—Most but not all will go with the crowd. Aye yai yai!

Joesixpack says—My life is just a labyrinth.  Everyone is trying to program me to where I should go.  I mean everyone!  First it was my genetics, then it was my parents, then education, then the government, then the church, then my employer, then all the advertisements.  Who should I believe?  Good question Joesixpack.  BUT for sure, decisions have consequences.  And guess who gets to make the decisions!!  Bingo. Then one day, you end up being “you” based on all those decisions.  The other day I went into our local restaurant and there were two old timers sitting at a table across from each other. I have known these guys for 50 years.  They seem to be such a contrast.  One seems like he is kind and gracious and the other one seems like he is bitter and unhappy.  Why, do you think?  Somehow, they were programed that way I think (i.e. my opinion).

GeorgeTheCrook says--Legalism will suck your life dry of happiness. Soooo what does that mean?  Dr.J (i.e. not the basketball player Dr.J) says—"Mercy is thought of as the withholding of punishment that is deserved, while grace is the giving of a blessing or benefit that is not deserved. Hebrews 4:16 uses them both: We come before God in prayer to “obtain mercy” (to be spared from deserved judgment) and “find grace to help in time of need” (receive undeserved help). They are the two sides of the same theological coin.” To me that is sooooo positive and uplifting (i.e. I like positive and uplifting stuff—how about you?).  But here is the challenge for me--I also have frequent opportunities to be both merciful and gracious toward others. Does ervie take every opportunity to be like God: merciful and gracious? Yikes, maybe I want mercy and grace but don’t want to give it (i.e. I want it all).  Aye yai yai! I can be a real dinghead at times! I don’t always expose myself but just hide in the muck. Telling ervie the truth about ervie is tough! Can any of you relate to that or am I the only one?  Such is life.

Boring boring boring! I have a tendency to get bored easily doing the same stuff time after time after time.  I enjoy a new slant to something even if it’s the same thing.  I have talked toooo many of you about book reading.  You tell me that if you read maybe a few pages to 100 pages and if you don’t like the book, you put it down.  I read what John Grisham (i.e. a well know author) said when asked about his book reading.  He said—If I read some pages and if I don’t care for it, I put it down; why spend my time reading something I don’t enjoy when there is sooooo much good stuff to read.   Aye yai yai!  Now that mentality can be applied to many situations in our lives.  If folks don’t enjoy it, they are not going to continue; they will move on (i.e. put it down or press the delete button).  Great leaders have this vision (i.e. the vision to move on, they quit kicking a dead horse, they seem to know when it’s time to throw in the towel, they seem to know when we’re throwing money down a black hole, they seem to know when it’s over, they seem to know when it’s history).  Oh ya! Look around folks, it’s not rocket science. You might think something is great, but if others don’t, well, they’ll just put it down and move on. Boring boring boring! It’s realty folks if you like it or not.  Such is life.

Saturday question—If folks don’t read books, never have had an interest (i.e. some of you), how in the world do you get them to enjoy reading books?  Think through that folks. 

Aye yai yai!  I read this in the paper soooooo it must be right—Don’t compare yourself with other people; compare yourself with who you were yesterday.  That philosophy isn’t anything new; it’s been around forever.  BUT it did make me think.  There sure are a lot of folks, groups etc. that want me to compare myself with them and in most cases want me to be like them. The old saying, “There are no two humans the same” is probably true.  Saturday question—Do you ever get tired of others always trying to make you to be like them.  I have to admit that I’m critical of others; yes I am.  I think they should be more like me. haha What are those folks thinking?  Are they not thinking right?  Soooooo I decided I’m not going to compare myself to others and not going to compare others to me.  Ya, right!  Aye yai yai! No kidding, I’m working on it and getting better; it takes tooooo much energy and thinking to always compete. I’m just going to be ervie and they can be JohnandJaneDow (i.e. and everyone is happy!)! Such is life. 

Well, all of us (i.e. all-inclusive like, farmer, executive and the teacher) are pretty much screwed up in some way or form or even completely.  AverageJoe says--Don’t think you are not; I know you are! haha  If you think that you are not messed up at all and have it all figured out, well then, you might have a huge massive messed up ego (i.e. and the crowd shouts overrated, overrated, overrated). 

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—In trying to get people in your corner, don’t make them feel cornered.

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