October 5, 2019


CadillacJack says--This “It’s Saturday’ could be a bunch of hooey a.k.a. B-S! Therefore, take that into consideration when reading this version. ItchieBitchie (i.e. a real SpaceXrocket) says—A blindfold and set of darts might be a more accurate method of prognostication as to what is true and what isn’t. JoeSmart says—Therefore, it’s a regular crap shoot.

Sooooo many times when folks say--“He couldn’t see the forest for the trees” it suggests that folks are getting too close to a problem and it blinds them of the “bigger picture.” Therefore, step back and refocus your perspective.  A young, cute, little Occupational Therapist who works with Arlene told me that she was taught that sometimes caregivers get toooo optimistic when they see a little improvement of a love one’s physical improvement.  Folks with Alzheimer’s don’t get better but only get worse.  She also said that some caregivers are pretty pessimistic because they have heard or read how the disease progresses.  She said, I need to be realistic. 

I read this in the Star Tribune (i.e. it made me laugh; it’s about reality)—‘Fast’ and ‘dump’ After two rough loses, including a 38-13 thrashing by No. 19 Utah on Saturday night, Washington State coach Mike Leach described the Cougars as “fat, dumb, happy, and entitled.”  “We’re a very soft team,” Leach said.  “We get a lot of good press. We like to read it a lot. We like to pat ourselves on the back and if we get any resistance, we fold.”

 I’m really a case alright.  I remember what I should forget and forget what I should remember.  But the other day I did remember something that was touching to me.  Yes I did.  Something from Christi who is an account manager.  She called me and discussed our situation.  She said—erv, you no longer need to be a caregiver as much but can be more of a husband to Arlene again.  I thought that was sooooo neat/kind for her to say that (i.e. she said it in a soft, gentle tone).  She didn’t have tooooo (i.e. I think she was just being herself).  I would guess she is a neat gal.  What do you think?  That is what I thought. 

I had the opportunity to drink some coffee early Saturday morning with Chet and Jessica and the grand kids on their deck. This is sooooo much fun for me.  ANYWAY, Charlie and I did a collage for Arlene’s shadow box that is outside her door at the memory unit.  It was really fun.  Sooooo, those of you who know Arlene you don’t have to look at it; you know her.  But those of you who don’t know my sweet, kind Arlene a.k.a. my girl, the collage might give you somewhat of a “big picture” of who she was/is.  I think Charlie and Rookie enjoyed that I let them use my computer, more than anything, to watch YouTube videos of unicorns and dinosaurs (i.e. spot on).  The world is much different than when I was a kid.  Such is life.

I read another one of Louis L’Amour’s books called Dark Canyon.  I enjoy his books and I know some of you do tooooo.  Many of his books are about the SW, a part of the U.S. that I really enjoy.  His books are fiction, and maybe this statement he made in this book is fiction toooooo, but it made me laugh—Trouble is born of rumor, and nine people out of ten will repeat a rumor—consciously or unconsciously adding their bit.  Therefore folks, it would appear that Louis is saying—Don’t believe any rumors you hear.  But folks like rumors it seems.

Arlene’s beautician and long-time friend has been soooooo nice to her when doing her hair.  I think she is talented in caring for older folks and for folks with dementia.  Besides being nice, she did an excellent job making Arlene’s hair looking nice and in a style that worked for us.  Sooooooo the beautician from the care facility calls her for some information as she is going to do her hair.  That was nice.  She told her that she is going to do Arlene’s hair; she said--her husband (i.e. that being me) has been cutting her hair and really butchers it (i.e. I have not cut Arlene’s hair). I will try to get it back in order. What was she thinking? No rumor, Arlene’s friend and beautician called and told me.  We both laughed.  Sooooo if you pass this on, you can add your little bit to even make it funnier. It is maybe funny enough! Saturday question—What would be the appropriate tip?

Soooooo I bike some in the Cedar Valley (i.e. some of the nicest trails in the state--my opinion).  Soooooo a part of a trail has been closed since spring as there was some damage due to flooding.  They put up this huge massive gate to keep folks out.  The sign says, “Trail Closed” as you can see in the picture (i.e. it’s as plain as day).  A friend told me that they go around it; we don’t pay any attention to it; there is some washing and there is a couple of spots that the trail‘s asphalt is only about 3 feet wide but there is no problem.  Sooooo I get to the sign and was taking this picture as I think it’s sooooo funny.  A senior lady comes up behind me on her bike.  I asked her if she rides around the gate—sure do; it’s been closed for 3 months and they don’t fix it soooo we ride around it.  Soooooo like some obnoxious, mischievous little boy, I ride around the gate/sign when I’m not suppose toooo.  Take my bike away! No ice cream for me! But my friend and this senor lady said I could!

Nolan Bushnell, the creator of the Atari video game system, once stated, “Everyone who’s ever taken a shower has had an idea.  It’s the person who gets out of the shower, dries off, and does something about it who makes a difference.”  I try to be a pro-active person instead of a reactive person but probably am both.  I have told you I get bored easily soooo that makes me be more pro-active, I think.  Therefore, I probably will take more risk than a person who is more of a reactive type of person (i.e. after the fact type person).  I try to make my risks high percentage, but they always don’t work the way they are suppose toooo. Some of you just think I’m crazy.  I understand that; especially you extreme conservative, reactive, black and white folks.  But I enjoy being around other crazy folks; many of those crazy folks are you.  In fact, I think many of you are crazier than me.  For some of you the craziest thing you ever did was eat your ice cream before your meal!  AverageJoe (i.e. a real strait-laced guy) says--No way Jose, I would never do anything that crazy!

SusieQ says--Nicknames can tell a lot who folks are sometimes! Look at your nickname or other folks’ nicknames.  Like Red, Slim, Weasel, Hoss, Toothpick, Uncle, Fuzz, Curly, Bumps, Rocket Brain, Grunt, Monkey, Blinker, Chunk, Homer, BudBoy, Peanut, etc. You get it.  Some nicknames are hurting to folks, some just funny, some weird, some make no sense and some God only knows.  Do males have more nasty nicknames than girls and which they actually call each other by these names?  What are some nicknames that you girls call each other?  Or do you just say them behind other girls’ backs?  ItchieBitchie says--Girls are toooo nice, they would never do anything like that; they just think it and say it under their breath.  Soooo some folks say girls and guys aren’t different. Many girls would cry if they would get called what guys call each other just in fun. Therefore, girls don’t do that and certainly guys don’t call girls by those bad nicknames. They call girls nicknames like cutty pie, sugar, sweetheart, love, etc.  It just makes life sooooo much easier when us guys do that! Therefore, we do it.

Sooooooo girl, you want to be successful.  First of all, we have to define success. Success can be a lot of things to different folks.  No one can define that for you; you have to define that for yourself.  My mentor use to kid me in saying—The world defines success by how much gold a person has.  And I think he was right.  But he also knew that success was something else.  That definition of success in our lives can be a struggle for us.  Yes, it can.  Unfortunately, there is no single, universal secret to success. Bookstores and libraries are filled with copies of books by authors who claim to know the secret. If we go to an online retail site that sells books, and enter “Success” in the search box, we can find numerous choices written by people who will tell us with great conviction how they achieved success. There are countless slogans, philosophies and strategies for becoming successful, but sometimes it helps to realize that while there is no magic, one-size-fits-all formula. For most people, success requires a few very simple ingredients, things that do not require very specific skill sets. If you define what success is for you and if success is what you seek, cultivate humility, stay hungry, and never stop working hard (i.e. that is my opinion—just another opinion—such is life). And therefore someday, you can say to yourself--Thatagirl!

I read this in the paper sooooo it must be right--To attract younger viewers, the International Olympic Committee is considering adding sports like skateboarding and breakdancing to future games. Next to come? Obstacle Course Racing may show up at the 2028 Los Angeles Summer games. OCR, as it’s called, is a race in which competitors try to overcome physical challenges in the form of obstacles. They must scale walls, crawl through mud, squirm under barb wire, jump through fire, and endure all kinds of hardships and hurdles. They said in the first sentence why they are doing that.  Da!  Therefore…!

RickyRick says—Therefore, you’ll never get over your hidden wounds until you face your feelings head-on by admitting them to God, yourself, and another person. (i.e. yikes)!  Many people try to move past their pain by admitting it to God and themselves, but then they skip the third part of the equation. It will never work. Admitting your pain to others is absolutely essential to your healing. Getting better depends on it.  I have to admit that I’m sad.  I think it will get better, but I think now that I will always have some sadness associated with Arlene not having a life that we wanted.  I don’t think it can be any different. I realize that probably many of you are sad about something as well and your sadness might not ever go completely away.  Therefore, we need to do the best we can.  BUT I am admitting that my sadness has affected me. Why wouldn’t it?  BUT I think I’m also happy at the same time.  I think I can be both. I hope I can be an Onesiphorus, he was a whiff of fresh air to Paul.  You know any refreshing people?  Those kinds of folks who pick you up when you’re down. They put a new heart in you. I want to be an Onesphorus. I’m describing some of you; yes I am. Go and get after it; go and kick some butt! You know if you are, and you know if you’re not!  Be real folks!

A friend told me recently (i.e. admitting her frustration) that she really has a hard time being pleasant and helpful to folks who have nasty attitudes.  I am guessing that is a rather universal feeling we all have to some degree.  And even some of us might be the one who has the nasty attitude all the time or some of the time.  If you were one of the folks with the nasty attitude, would you like someone to correct you?  Would you want to be the one to tell the person that they have a nasty attitude? AverageJoe says—That is what we hire the preacher to do, isn’t it! haha  HelpfulRita says—I’m sure our Thursday morning coffee group could help the pastor by giving the preacher a list they should go and talk toooooo!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Life is a great big canvas, throw all the pain on it you can.

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