October 26, 2019

different world

A friend sent me this saying she saw on a bumper sticker—Great minds think a hike. Hikes! Many times hikes give me the awareness to look at things differently—they give me a refreshing and positive spin. Usually it’s a temporary spin but can be permanent.  For me, it’s hard to determine many times as some things get in my craw and I don’t even know they are there, and they affect me forever (i.e. how will I know; it’s subconscious maybe).  Such is life.

What do you spend a lot of time thinking about?  Really!  Many folks spend a lot of time thinking about depressing things. And some think a lot about spirit, relationships and health.  I read this what Paul says--Paul’s list of the fruit of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Virtues—and their opposite, vices—are not passive manifestations. They are the result of the choices we make to pursue godliness (moral excellence) or not.  JoeBlow says—What you think is what you’ll be.

Rafael Badziag, who studies the psychology of entrepreneurship, interviewed 21 billionaires and found they all had the same six core habits: (1) They wake up early; (2) they keep healthy and exercise regularly; (3) they are avid readers; (4) they take time to contemplate and think; (5) they develop routines and rituals; (6) they practice discipline and self-control.  Some think being a billionaire is overrated.  I really don’t know and never will.  But I do think that folks who have adequate income have options compared to those who don’t (i.e. that is the way it looks to me). ANYWAY, it appears that folks who have an acute desire about anything seem to succeed in their desires more that folks who don’t.  I think they live in a different world. What do you think? That is what I thought.

JoeRich told me—erv, I don’t have to work for a living as I’m rich. Yep, my parents were independently wealthy and passed their wealth onto me.  They were in iron and steel; mom ironed during the day and my dad would steal at night.

While eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it, I read this--Being established in “a different World” requires continual reading, studying, pondering, applying, and sharing. Little happens without steady habits, and habits are hard to sustain unless we work energetically to establish them. Reaching goals requires commitment and consistency. To live a godly life, we must diligently develop a heart of devotion and engage the habit of godliness. OneSmartPerson said--Self-control is the exercise of inner strength under the direction of sound judgment that enables us to think, and say and do the correct things.

I try sometimes try to make life perfect.  It can’t be done; I know that, but I still try sometimes.  Maybe age helps me get over that crazy thinking.  ANYWAY, I met some folks from Boston at the look out at Bryce Nat Park.  They invited me to hike with them.  They asked me—What are you doing coming this far to hike.  I said—great question! Happenstance, na, I don’t think soooo.  They were very nice folks and we had a great conversation. They told me what I’m trying to do will take some time.

Hugh Blair, an 18th-century Scottish minister, wrote, “He who every morning plans the transaction of the day, and follows out that plan, carries on a thread which will guide him through the maze of the most busy life. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidents, all things lie huddled together in one chaos.”  Now that is what hiking can do to me; put me in a different world.  Yes it can. CoachB says—If you want to get out of your hole, you need to put down the shovel. 
Look at the beauty of life and my surroundings and not the negative stuff that appears has and does affect my subconscious; gradually can and will change my mindset a.k.a. the space between my ears.  If I can execute better, I think I will be going in the right direction (i.e. changing my mindset—some mindsets are easier to change than others—are you an easy one).

I have been trying to teach our grandkids to look me in the eye when talking to me (i.e. not just me but everyone).  They seem to be in a different world. The other morning at breakfast I was talking to Rookie; Rookie, look at me, I’m talking to you.  He said—Grandpa, I can hear you!  After our 3-mile family hike, I got the grandkids’ attention by taking them out for ice cream. It works.  Every time. Never fails.  Guaranteed success and results.  No question.

I read this early one morning --Some things naturally go together—salt and pepper, bread and butter, pencil and paper, needle and thread, hiking shoes and hiking. When it comes to direction in my life, I must have a devoted heart and disciplined habits. LuckieEddie says—erv, it’s hard to be of strong mind all the time.  It sure is LuckieEddie; it sure is. You either have to be very smart or really dumb or go hiking!

I have read Viktor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning several times.  Frankl was a Jewish psychiatrist who was taken to one of the death camps in Nazi Germany. All of his family and all of his friends were gassed and murdered. He talks in his book about a day he stood in front of the Gestapo stark naked. They’d taken away the prisoners’ clothes and even Frankl’s wedding ring. As he stood there with nothing at all, he suddenly realized there was one thing the Nazis could not take away from him: his choice of how he would respond. Dr.J says--When you stay focused on your purpose instead of your problem, you can be happy even when life seems to be falling apart. That can be hard to do sometimes; yes it can.  BUT it really does produce good results (i.e. my opinion). It can and will put you in a different world.  Folks, that is exactly what my trek to CO and UT hopefully does for me.  I need to refocus. 

MissPerfect says—Sooooo erv, what’s the “big deal” about changing your perspective?  There are some others, many others, or maybe all folks who are in this same situation at some time in their life with a poor perspective.  MissPerfect, I’m not a “big deal.”  It’s just that I want to modify my perspective.  Others might also want tooooo and many maybe don’t want toooo.  I’m not special in any way.  I’m just erv; I realize that.  It’s an individual thing, I think. It’s like a new adventure; a new challenge. I think it’s an opportunity and a choice. I think it might make my life better.  What do you think?  That is what I thought. My new tee shirt about says it all.

You ever waddle through the mud and the next day you get up and waddle through the mud again.  You do this every day for a long time.  It gets pretty ugly folks; it just ain’t no fun.  My trip to CO, UT, and then back to CO is getting me out of the mud for a number of days; more than a short respite.  Some folks tell me it takes a week before you start to unwind (i.e. get rid of my stinkin’ thinkin’).  We will see.  Maybe it will be a whole different world for me.  JoeBlow says—erv, first things first!  Don’t get the cart before the horse. A friend told me recently that I have to get tougher. Hikes!  When Erin and I did a 2.5 mile hike together in CO, I found that she was tougher than me.  Hikes

Onesmartperson said—The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination, but the combination is locked up in the safe.  Figure out that combination we can change our world alright. That is what hiking can do for me.  I want and am debriefing myself and also, hopefully, decompressing myself.  I have been compressing for tooooo long.  I want to change what I spend most of my time thinking about (i.e. not good, my opinion).

They say that these rock formation are maybe190 million years old.  When I think about that and look at them, well now, that is a different world for me.  Did some side by side 4-wheeling and hiking in the Kanab Canyon. I was told that these trails in the Public Land will take me to three other states.  Wow!  Now that is a different world; that is huge massive. I stayed in UT, I think! 

I talked to Matt in Kanab. He was from England and his girlfriend is from OH. They are traveling the world. He writes traveling articles and his friend writes for a magazine. They live in this van. That is their water storage. He said some paint them black to warm the water and shower out the back. Now that is a different world.

I love the story about the man who sized up God in prayer one day. “God, how long is a billion years to you?” God said, “A billion years is like a second.” Then the man asked, “How much is a billion dollars to you?” God said, “A billion dollars is like a penny.” The man smiled and said, “Could you spare me a penny?” God smiled back and said, “Sure, just wait a second.”  Saturday question—How long is eternity? C’on erv, every Tom, Dick and Harry knows that answer!

Soooooo how did my hiking affect me? Really God only knows.  I might thing it did in a certain way but maybe it affected me in many ways.  I don’t know for sure. BUT, I do know it’s good for me to get away from my normal environment and think.  It has to be, doesn’t it! We went to Bear Valley Church last Sunday.  I agree with the pastor who said—The Hope in Jesus gives us endurance. The Holy Spirit gives us Joy that strives in midst of suffering.  Those assurances can put me in a different world.  Oh ya.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans! (:-


MyFriendJean says—In life, the review mirror is always clearer than the windshield.

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