May 23, 2020

me power

SPECIAL ALERT!  Don’t take anything in this “It’s Saturday” tooooo serious.  It is all really suspect!  BUT it’s predictable for sure.  I don’t know if this “It’s Saturday” will make you feel better or worse.  Nevertheless, this “It’s Saturday” is not to be taken lightly!  haha  BUT as a friend said to me recently—erv, I’m not really sure what you are trying to say! Soooooo see if you can figure out what I’m saying.

CoachB says--If you are discouraged where you are today, remember this is not your end.  It is only where you are today.  Be patient.  I heard a friend who used this line in his talk recently--We will all have problems; sometimes they might last long but not for ever.  That statement basically comes from the Bible—I Corinthians 2:11 says—For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.  Now that stuff is deep!  Here is something else to contemplate--OneSmartPerson once said—It’s hard to go back to normal when normal disappears.  Saturday question—Is that discouraging or exciting to you? 

LuckieEddie says—Happily ever after starts right now!  Deep thought if you want it to be!  I like that statement.  That is about “me power” (i.e. my opinion). It’s from this point forward—it’s something we make up in our mind about—it’s usually a decision. CaseyTheValedictorian says—Decisions have consequences!  And guess who makes the decisions!  Yikes!

My kid sister sent me this.  We have been taught that stuff is just stuff and it will not make us happy (i.e. ok, for 15 seconds of utopia and then it’s over—is that all what’s to it).  We have learned it from our parents, churches, the Bible, school and wise folks but I don’t think we believe it.  One TV ad and it seems folks want more stuff and they get it!  It seems we are wasting our time in teaching that.  It’s high school graduation time.  It is estimated that a high school graduate will have spent more than 30,000 hours in front of a screen (including video games, tablets, laptops, and TVs). I hear folks say all the time—there is nuttin on TV but they still watch it all the time.  A friend told me that he and his wife every night watch TV from 6:30 until they go to bed.  I have no idea how many hours they watch TV!  What would be your guess?  And these are really good folks who seem normal!!!!! My research showed that all humans are naturally good.  You believe that?  That is what I thought.

You, yes, each of you including me, have “me power” to control what we think and what we think is what we will be.  I believe that but you might not.  And, maybe, we both might believe that, but we don’t always do it.  There lies the problem.  Friends tell me that I’m too sensitive.  I might be.  I think about other folks’ feelings toooo much. Maybe I do.  I let others influence me toooo much because of that.  Maybe. I don’t know.   I have a friend who I really enjoy being around (i.e. I have many friends like this—you guys) whose wife tells him that he thinks tooooo much.  She tells him that he and I think toooo much; think and talk about stuff that she doesn’t understand or wants to think or talk about.  I think that is sooooo funny; not her, oh no, this thinkin’ stuff is what is funny!  Saturday question--Do you have a lot of “me power?”

Saturday question—Do we think we are all entitled (i.e. have our heads in the clouds)? I have a lot of feeling for a lot of folks who I have talked to this last week and before.  There seems to be a lot of anxiety.  It seems more than before but how do I know.  All families and each person have different reasons for anxiety.  Maybe there has always been anxiety through history.  I think soooo.  But, maybe not.  Surely the uncertain future causes anxiety but that uncertain future has always been there; that ain’t nuttin new!  Health issues, sure, but they have always been there.  Death, that tooooo has always been there.  Financial problems and money management has always been there.  There has been wars, plagues, disasters, depressions, and recessions before.  As an American society, we probably have never lived soooo good (i.e. we have more stuff than ever before, that is for sure—look in your barns).  Sooooo maybe there isn’t more anxiety than before, but we are reacting differently to it.  Do we think we sorta kinda think we are uniquely special do we think? What do you think?  That is what I thought. ItchieBitchie says--Not toooo long ago, folks didn’t even have credit cards and internet and smart phones!!!! They didn’t even know what was going on!!!!  SusieQ says—How could they live that way?  And no smart TVs and Netflix? 

I am going to test your rural farm knowledge.  Do you know what these statements mean?  If it ain’t red, leave it in the shed!  If it ain’t green, it ain’t a machine! Aren’t those fun opinions?  They make me smile.  I get bored easily, I have told you that before.  Maybe you don’t.  Some of you like the same old same old all the time (i.e. like the same as you did it in 1956). A friend told me that they were listening to their pastor on the internet recently.  He was boring sooooo they listened to a different pastor (i.e. the ol’ cow was dry but he kept pulling her teats).  Some of you think that is terrible to do that (i.e. that is to not to listen to your pastor; not keep pulling teats when the cow is dry).  My mentor told me once—erv, you can’t get a pastor bad enough for me not to go to our church.  Our culture might to be changing.  BUT I don’t care to listen to folks who are soooooo radically opinionated and vocal about politics, religion and money.  That gets rather old/boring to me.  But that is my opinion and taste.  Actually, I’m tired of listening to this pandemic stuff.  I realize that many of you like to regurgitate it and chew it over and over and over.  Each their own! Pastors, don’t get discouraged about not everyone thinking you are not interesting all the time.  Maybe you will affect different folks at different times and for different reasons for sure.  It is challenging to meet everyone’s thinking all the time. Some folks are just throwing you under the bus just for a day or two!  haha  That’s my opinion. Sunday, I have had two friends suggest to me that I listen to certain pastors as they really seem to like them.  I follow their advice (i.e. these are not national known pastors).  I enjoy listening to different pastors.  BUT every person seems to have something different that they like that applies to their life differently.  Such is life.

Soooo what is “me power” do you think? Well, to me, “me power” is having the power to decided what I’m going to let influence my life which affects my thinking.  That could be other people, propaganda from all over the place, money, power, what I read about and listen to about my faith, education from many sources, peer group pressure, and God only know what else.  I read this humorous saying recently--Reality continues to ruin my life. Funny put quite philosophical, I think. Think through that and come up with your own application to your life. WorldClassLarry says—No one has the kind of power to mess up my life!  I think he’s talking about “me power.”  What do you think?  That is what I thought. Then he says—We all have the power to control how we react to all stimuli; how we react changes our world! Saturday question—Who gets to pick the stimuli you let your mind listens toooooo?

Solidarity.  What is that to you?  It’s not all about “me power” unless it is a communist form of power.  It appears to have solidarity; folks have to stick together and give in some for a common cause even though minor differences are irritating.  I read somewhere that a house split cannot stand.  It would appear that there must be something very important to us to find common ground.  It appears that a dictator forces solidarity by force.  It appears that we don’t have a solid solidarity in our country right now.  It appears there is a big split.  BUT we have had many such spits in our country in its short history.  We have many splits in our churches also. It appears there are now many divides (i.e. and history shows us that there has been in the past as well).  Someone said to me recently that maybe God has a different plan than ours as to how things are to be.  Could be. I don’t know. Maybe me and you aren’t in control.  Could be.  Maybe some better things are going to happen that we have no idea about.  Maybe this virus issue will force our hand to change.  Could be. I don’t know. Usually we don’t like to change and sometimes we are forced and then we do (i.e. seniors had to accept direct deposit of their social security money--folks complained but they all have seemed to have adjusted just fine--of course that is about money—you take the money that way or you don’t get it). 

They call her “strong willed Hazel” and she sure seems to be!  You might not see it but she is very strong willed.  Very stubborn and really can not be very nice at times.  She might be different at home than in the public (i.e. the public would never know it).  When strong willed folks get offended or someone disagrees with them or when they think they are getting the short end of the stick, their strong willed kid shows up (i.e. Katie bar the door).  A grand mom told me that their grand daughter is a lot like her mother—strong willed—her parents are going to have their hands full with her when she gets to be a teenager; she is strong willed already at a young age. I knew her great great grand mother (i.e. now that is a long time ago) and she was strong willed tooooo.  Is that genetic? Or why are some folks soooo much more strong willed than others?

My me power is really limited as I am not well known by a huge massive number of folks, am not powerful, and am not an actor or a sport figure (i.e. why does the public think actors and sport figures know soooo much). Sooo what my opinion is has little exposure or importance.  And I have discovered that when people get older, less and less folks pay as much attention to them (i.e. I’m out of the loop and more irrelevant—I’m considered in the basement by many).  Of course, there are exceptions like if you can make some folks some money they will listen to you or give them power, or built their ego.  haha  Sooooo I wonder if I should give folks my opinion or not.  I think it would help them maybe but more than likely they don’t want my opinion (i.e. I really understand that).  JoeBlow (i.e. who isn’t as smart as he looks) says—erv, younger folks don’t pay much attention to what older folks say sooooo…! SusieQ (i.e. who is a real public relations person) says—That is why younger folks need to take leadership and the older folks need to sit in the back (i.e. that is if there are any young folks around who will take the responsibility).  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. GeorgeTheCrook says--BUT some older folks have big, huge, massive egos you know! An insurance adjuster said to me many years ago—When you are young and not liberal you have no heart and when you get older and not conservative you have no brain!

It appears that almost every person and every company and every organization is going to have to make some changes during the post-virus event.  One sharp business person told me that it might be that they will not be able to open the doors again.  It just might be a possibility—if businesses can’t make any money it just ain’t going to be in the cards. Some might need to lower their expenses to offset the smaller income.  If they can’t, it’s death. Ouchy ouchy!  For sure, many leaders who were stuck in old methodology will have to get unstuck or it will be death.  There will be no choice (i.e. money will dictate it).  AverageJoe (i.e. a dangerous little goblin) says—Isn’t that the way capitalism works, the stronger will continue and weaker get thinned out! It’s been that way for ever (i.e. unless the government subsidizes everyone forever).  Not everyone wins in a free enterprise system (i.e. not everyone gets a trophy). But BigEgoBill (i.e. who is full of me power) says—We have always done it that way and by golly, we are going to continue to do this way—we aren’t going to change unless it’s over my dead body!  My opinion is if you and I are stuck we need to get around others who are not stuck.  JoeDifferent says—There is a huge massive difference between an entrepreneur’s mind and an engineer’s mind and an educator’s mind and a business person’s mind. Sorry to say but there will be folks and companies who thought they had it made that will not have it made in the future (i.e. one day on top of the world and the next day it’s  not going sooooo good). It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. This is my opinion folks. BUT time will tell for sure! It always does.  Such is life.

I called a guy who has been my friend for years.  We don’t see much of each other and really don’t talk much either (i.e. just aren’t in the same circle any more as when we played a lot of golf together in years past.  I called him about asparagus that he gave our family many many years ago.  We had a good laugh and talked about good memories.   He told me that we have it soooooo good compared to soooooo many folks.  He said--I have it way better than I deserve, way better.  Then he gave me his personal testimony how Jesus died for him sooooo that he may have eternal life.  I don’t deserve that either.  I never heard him talk like this before but always suspected he believed that.  Sooooo why did he tell me that now?  Cause he wanted tooooo I think.  How powerful was that? He ended our conversation telling me that he will continue to pray for me as I grief Arlene’s death.  He was very sincere.  Sooooo how special is this friend and his conversation?

I played in a pick-up foursome at the golf course recently.  I would consider them all my friends that I made through the years.  One has some health issues and doesn’t know if he will be able to play much this year. One’s wife has some health issues and he has to help her and can’t be gone very long at a time. The other one just lost his wife after 57 years of marriage.  Now that is the aging process.  BUT we had a great time and enjoyed each other very much.  It was a very positive experience. 

This “It’s Saturday” is all fact for sure (i.e. rest assured); I know that for sure as I made it all up as I went! haha When I was having coffee with some guys out in the shed on a friend’s farm deep in Butler County (i.e. soooo deep that the revenuers nor the virus wouldn’t even be able to find us), I heard this famous line said by a guy in remembrance of a long time deceased local farmer who was his friend—Don’t try to act soooo smart, your past proves you aren’t!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.

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