May 30, 2020

a real space cadet

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Voltaire.

Meanwhile back at the ranch.  One political party suggests anything (i.e. no matter what) and the other thinks just the opposite (i.e. they always have a wrinkle).  How can that always be? All those folks’ ideas can’t be all that bad, can they? I think that is sooooo funny.  Even Crazy! You don’t have to agree with anything I write in this “It’s Saturday.”  In fact, you may disagree with everything (i.e. even think the opposite) and that is fine with me. I have no problem with that. I’m letting you off the hook from the git go.  I say a lot, but no one agrees the same about anything anyway.  As the virus thing continues, we start to see more and more folks doing their own thing and thinking for themselves (i.e. make up their own rules).  Seeee!  We are all space cadets! MyNeighborDownTheStreet says—I don’t think any of my neighbors are very smart anymore! And my mother-in-law, who I always wondered about, I know she’s from Mars, a real space cadet!

Soooo I bought some new golf sandals at Golf Headquarters the other day.  I saw this shirt.  I LOL!  It is sooooo true.  We think our scores about soooo many things in life are soooo important but reality is, no 1 cares!  It’s just not important to them (i.e. they got their own situations).  But my scores seem to be important to me.  Golf is a very humbling game.  This spring I started playing quite well (i.e. my scores were good for an ol’ guy).  Then I went into a funk—I have no idea why.  But it was very humbling. Golf is really soooo unimportant in my life, but I still like to score well (i.e. stinking pride).  I really think it has been a good lesson for me being humbled, AGAIN!  But I still enjoy wearing my new golf sandals (i.e. or as Jr. calls them, Jesus’s shoes)! Today, if it weren’t for the new sandals, I might quite!!!!

A friend from MN told me recently that he pretty much can shoot his age on their par 72 course (i.e. that is pretty good).  He’s a straight lace guy soooo he probably follows the rules of his local course.  Some folks’ scores don’t mean much if they make up their own rules (i.e. soooo no 1 cares what their score is).  ANYWAY, JoeEgo use to ask me what I shot. His only reason was he wanted me to ask him what he shot (i.e. he only did that when he shot a good score based on his scoring rules).  I caught on pretty fast and I didn’t oblige him in asking him what he shot and he quite asking me what I shot—he really didn’t care what I shot!

I thought I would be different and use these new type of tomatoes in my shepard’s pie.  Wow!  Did that put some kick in my gizzard!  TommyGotIt says—Many folks think they know a lot of stuff and talk pretty big but until they get it in their gizzard, they have no idea what it means (i.e. have to actually feel the kick). I wonder if it’s good for us once in a while to put some “kick in our gizzards” to change the rut we are in (e.g. change our attitude, especially if we are complaining all the time).  I don’t remember me or my two sisters complaining or begging growing up.  Maybe Chester and Anna taught us that by example.  Either that or we were real space cadets! SuperMargret says—erv, you were space cadets as complaining and begging really works in our culture.  The better you are at it and the more you do, the more you get!  SuperMargret, I missed the boat again! I didn’t learn that or wasn’t listening when they were teaching me that in Roseland Elementary (i.e. and I was in the top 5 in my class; of course, there were only 5 in my class!

I did read in the paper sooooo it must  be right that the TV networks are adjusting to Brady’s move.  They want to televise as many high-profile dates as possible of Tom Brady with Tama Bay. Why? Da! It’s all about the money folks.  Money will tip everything up-side down real quick. Somethings even the virus doesn’t change. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.  Get real space cadets!

Here is an example of real life as how it works you space cadets.  A friend who is an insurance agent told me that the companies are obligated by law to not cancel policies because of the disaster.  Sounds like a great opportunity for many folks.  Many folks don’t pay until they are threatened by cancelation.  Soooo now three months have gone by (i.e. if they have a $100 a monthly payment and they are in debt for $300). Now the insurance company sends them a bill for $400.  They couldn’t pay the $100 soooo how are they going to pay the $400.  This will be for utility bills, internet services, cell phone etc (i.e. now we are talking about a pretty good size chunk of change).  A buddy (i.e. known as one smart person from Grundy County) at a board-game night recently told me that many folks have spent their stimulus money on a down payment on a new $75,000 pu soooo they won’t have money to pay for their monthly bills.  They thought those bills were just forgiven.  Now, at some point, those companies will cancel services.  Such is life in the real world. GeorgeTheCrook says—Nuttin ain’t really free!  AverageJoe says—You don’t know who is swimming naked until the tide rolls out. 

In the book I thought I learned several overriding principles.  Here is one:  When Germany bombed London continually day and night, the Londoners got hammered and lost lives, had much body injury and there was much devastation.  Yet, many continued to live their lives in a way, as much as possible, like an ordinary life (i.e. they continued to live).  They would go for walks, go to the park, have picnics, go to work, go shopping, even go for their nightly walks during the bombing and, of course, had their tea each day.  They realized that they might die at any time, but they went on living.  They decided not to live in the basement. I just found that very interesting.  Some of you might think they were space cadets. Hey, I read this in the paper soooo it must be right--The headline read, “Florida deems WWE pro-wrestling ‘essential business’ amid coronavirus pandemic.” Nothing like a good ol’ essential body slam!

It’s more than just hearing. We all have heard someone without really listening (i.e. you're not "really listening"). It’s possible that as you’re reading this “It’s Saturday”, you’re reading the words but have not a clue what you read; while your eyes are reading, your mind may be a million miles away (i.e. you are a regular space cadet). JoeSmiley says—Good things happen to those who wait.  We probably all have heard that proverb many times.  I guess that is true to some degree but maybe while we wait, we need to go after things that can make us happy and successful.  If we just sit on the couch and eat chips and wait for something good to happen to us, I question if many good things will happen to us.  JoeCheetos (i.e. who has a lot of inward flatters) says—Is that really true or did I hear that wrong?

Maybe you think I’m a real space cadet about this thinking or I’m not accepting reality, either one, you decide. I have had several of you who knew Arlene for a good part of her life tell me how her appearance changed as the Alzheimer’s affected her physically and mentally.  She got to a point that she really didn’t care about her appearance or her dress anymore (i.e. a normal occurrence of someone who has the disease).  Even soooo she was still beautiful inside even with a very limited mind.  The help at the memory unit would tell me that that she would smile and point her finger at them in a kidding way to show her love to them.  She never really ever lost that quality completely.  MissPerfect says—Despite the commercials and boutique counters in department stores and the advances of Botox and collagen, aging happens to everyone.  In reflecting on Arlene’s life after her death, brings me to the stark reality that outside beauty fades and only a shadow of the former glory exists. If you don’t realize that, I think you are a real space cadet.

OneSmartPersonFromSouthButlerCounty says--Some folks react to different kinds of folks differently; yes they do. I heard a person say recently—“I don’t know about you, but I find I am drawn to leaders who are not afraid to admit weakness or share about struggles they have faced. Appropriate transparency makes someone in authority more believable, more human; and it makes me more compassionate towards them.” I have heard many folks complain, complain and complain and I get real sick of it.  There seems to be a fine line what is toooo much and what is effective.  SusieQ says—Some folks are much more acceptable to listening to other folks’ whines than others; some folks will listen to all kinds of folks’ issues and other don’t.  Why is that?  Is that being compassionate or a sucker? Some folks just love to hear all the bad stuff of the news; can’t get enough of it (i.e. like 24/7—the worser and more of it the better)! LuckieEddie says—Maybe we are all space cadets!

I had a very enlightening conversation with a very important person in my life recently.  We discussed our personalities in that I’m more extroverted and he is more introverted.  No surprise but what is interesting is that we acknowledged that which, in my opinion, will strengthen our relationship going forward (i.e. think through that folks). And some of you think we are regular space cadets even talking about such things.  Such is life.

The famous Hollywood Walk of Fame has more than 2,500 large stars are embedded in the sidewalks containing the names of “stars” in the entertainment industry. They will be remembered but not forever.  In fact, most people who are considered stars in their day are forgotten as time marches on. I wonder if this COVID-19 might affect some folks’ thinking.  I don’t know but, my opinion, it might.  Maybe being the star isn’t all that important.  Maybe!  How about you? Do you find yourself happy and content with where we are and what we have? Or are we always striving for the next thing, determined to gratify whatever objective occupies our mind at the moment? There is an alternative, you know. We do have an option – a personal choice. Instead of seeking to find instant gratification for our desires, whether they are personal or professional, we can invest our time, talent, and treasure in achieving things that really matter for the long-run.  ItchieBitchie says—erv, you are really a space cadet.  I like my stuff and don’t try to get in my head.  In my life, it’s all about the money and I love it! Your idea is for the folks who can’t make it in the real world and can’t afford a lot of stuff like me.  Could be ItchieBitchie, but maybe someday you will understand that suggestion different (i.e. like when you are on a ventilator and fighting for your earthly life). Mel Brooks said--If Einstein couldn’t beat death, what change have I got? Practically none!

A friend told me that maybe this quarantine/isolation is really good for me.  What?  It might be a perfect transition for you, erv, in making an adjustment in your life. How? Maybe give you a slow and peaceful time to reflect and think and move forward.  Fascinating idea she has.  And she might be right.  Soooo I have been trying to be fascinated instead of frustrated (i.e. look at this time of quarantine/isolation to be an opportunity).  Huh, interesting.  Sooooo a friend (i.e. who has a lot of traction) also likes to petal a bike, told me recently that it frustrates him to always look at the speedometer to keep his speed up.  I’m the say way.  Soooo why do we do that?  We aren’t going anywhere in any certain time.  Maybe we should relax and enjoy the ride more.  We both said, we should take our speedometers off.  We won’t!  Why do you think we won’t?  Crazy we are for sure (i.e. he more than me I think—haha). We both could be space cadets!

MissPerfect (i.e. who lives like the Queen of Sheba) says--In order to get a good friend be a good friend. SlimySlick (i.e. who usually interprets things weird compared to others according to his wife) says—I have family members who aren’t on the same page as me, not even in the same chapter, and not even in the same book, but they are still my family members.  SlimySlick goes on to say—I have folks I know who aren’t on the same page as me, not even in the same chapter and not even in the same book as me.  BUT they are not my friends.  SlimySlick, they might be strange birds using your measuring stick.  It seems that strange birds seem to flock together.  Those folks who we think are strange birds might think we are a strange bird. Could be.  BUT SlimySlick, they might become your good friends someday.  Yes they might.  You might change or they might change.  Could be.  It happens.  If we understand this, life might be easier for us! 

I stopped and saw some friends the other day.  They were going through their garage.  They told me they found stuff up in their garage that was brand new that they didn’t even know they had.  They were just like a couple of kids at Christmas.  And they have four garages!  Now that is a lot of stuff to go through.  I read this in the paper soooo it must be right—Carson Wentz was taking some heat about his $108 million guaranteed contract to which he said—“It can be easy to get consumed with your worldly, fleshy train of thought or desires or whatever but when you look at everything from an internal perspective, from a Biblical perspective, and just know that this is so much bigger than just me and my life or where I’m at in my career, football, it’s so much bigger…my faith is the #1 reason I want to give back!..I believe that’s what God put me on this Earth for.” Some of you agree with that statement for your life and others of you think that thinking is from a space cadet!  Saturday question--Which one are you?  A niece sent me this--Saw this meme today and thought of you:  Make sure you test positive for Faith. Keep distance from doubt and isolate from Fear. Trust God through it all. VacuousWastoid from eastern MI says—What the hell is that all about anyway!

SillyBilly says—"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star.  But we can understand the universe.  That makes us something very special.”  Talk about being very special.  AnswerManHowie trimmed the bush in front of their kitchen window.  Then his wife says—You going to wash the window now?  AnswerManHowie says—You expect me to do two things in one day?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


FreindJean says—The happiest are less for getting and more forgiving.

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