October 23, 2021

there is good and there is really good

I suggest that we all do righteousness. I believe if we plant righteousness, we will receive a true harvest. It seems to return a multiple return, always. My opinion, do right folks, do right! There is good and there is really good. CoachB says that there are three types of people we have in our lives: those who help us in difficult times, those who leave us in difficult times and those put us in difficult times.  He suggests we need to increase the first type, minimize the second type and eliminate the third type. We all know folks in all the three categories; soooo we need to act accordingly. Our lives will be much better. There are good and there is really good. I have been soooo blessed to be around soooo many of you folks who are the “really good ones.”  Yes, you are. You know who you are. Thanksamillion!

Myneighbordownthestreet says—Mature folks appreciate simple things.  I think he is talking about mentally mature rather than physical mature. haha You agree with that?  Saturday question—Are you mature? A friend who is a super senior in both ways, who is a “skyscraper” alright, was telling me that we need to try to be informed to make the best decisions we can make. And even then, those decisions might not always be great, but they are the best we can make with the information we have. She also says—If we get informed with good information our odds of making better decisions are much better. She is soooo darn smart. If I would only have Superman’s X-ray vision, life would be much easier.  BUT I have erv’s vision (i.e. incomplete vision that is blurry at best).  Such is life.

Do you ever waffle in making a decision?  I have done just that.  I changed my mind several times.  It wasn’t really that important of a decision, but I wanted to make the right decision.  I weighed the facts on both sides many times and changed my mind many times.  Interesting.  I woke up in the middle of the night and decided that the chance for a disaster was too great to take the risk of the positive soooo I made the decision based on that information.  Is it the right decision? I think soooo but I don’t really know for sure. I will never know on this decision. BUT I’m comfortable with it; I think I made the right decision; that’s all that counts. Maybe! BUT I was relieved! ItchieBitchie says--Usually when I have a debate with myself, I win! Hands down!

This insert was written by Chris and passed on to me by a friend--“How do the wise know their decisions are sound? How do fools know theirs are not? Neither question can be answered by looking within. The human heart is not reliable in matters of wisdom. We hope our perspectives are based on reality, but there are always distortions, always perceptual filters through which we receive our information. The way that seems right to us may—or may not—be right.

I had a friend (i.e. who was a regular jet sweep) who now is deceased who had resiliency; she had it for sure.  She could bounce back (i.e. rebound).  She would say—It will be ok, we will be fine. That was a great quality she had; to be able to adapt and change; she had toooooo many times, like all of us have had tooooo. There is good and there is really good; she was really good. LuckieEddie says--We live day by day by day by day because that is all we can do.  We will be fine, yes we will. JoeBlow says--We just need to get our heads out of the muck sometimes.

Wait a minute! Soooo obviously there is difference of opinions in this world. I was watching some NFL football with a friend, and they said they just really enjoy watching players do their little dancing after they think they do something good (i.e. show off, my opinion).  Do you? No, I don’t, not at all.  I always wondered why they show that on TV and now I know.  Some folks really like to see that soooo TV shows it as many folks want to see it. It’s all about ratings and money folks. It’s always about the money. Don’t kid yourself! CrazyMarvin says—In a democracy the majority wins! Or does it? Just look around folks.  If the folks want it, they give it to the folks. I’m in the minority again the way it looks. What is good for some is not liked by others sometimes.  We are all different now aren’t we. Some even think it’s really good stuff when I don’t; what are they thinking! And they say the same thing about me. Such is life.

Hey LISTEN UP! I totally believe if you and I want to do something we will find a way and if we don’t want to do something we will find excuses.  It’s how humans work, my opinion.  If SusieQ wants to sit on the couch and eat chips, she will find all kinds of excuses to do that.  Don’t kid yourself.  But if she really wants to clean the house, she’ll get it done.  Fee-fi-fo-fum! AverageJoe says--Something always good happens when you do something good; but maybe not always to us.

There is a poem called Desiderata and part of it goes like this—"Compare not yourself with others, lest you become vain and bitter because there will always be those greater and lesser than yourself.” I think that is soooo true.  Yet, it appears that many folks do just that, compare themselves with others.  Why is that do you think? Maybe they want to be better than others, maybe. If soooo, why is it soooo important to be better than someone else? We’re #1, we’re #1, we’re #1 the crowd shouts!


And Abraham Lincoln said—A mark of lifelong learners is recognizing that they can learn something from everyone they meet.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—A really good friend is someone who lets you be yourself...and likes you in spite of it.

The tip of the day comes from George Constanza of Seinfeld who famously said—It is not a lie if you believe it. George said it, sooooo it must be right.

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