May 21, 2022

remain rational

SusieQ said to me—erv, you must have taken great pains; you could not naturally have been soooo very stupid to write the stuff that is in this “It’s Saturday.” I'm just pacing myself folks! haha

OneSmartPerrson once said—Conflict is unavoidable, but combat is a choice. MissPerfect, who folks wonder at times if she has her paints on right, says--When problems surface at work and in social relationships, they can be handled as tasks, or you can remain relational, solving the problem without damaging the relationship (i.e. don’t be soooo dramatic about them and maybe even down play them).  WildWillie says—But I like to get all emotional and make a lot of noise. WorldClassLarry, who has a good heart, says—Listen up folks, as long as you are alive there will be problems in your life soooo don’t be surprised when they happen (i.e. it's not if but when) but if some folks create more problems than the average dog, you might consider lessening the time you are around that dog or get a heavy duty shock collar for that dog. 

Sometimes it’s hard to remain rational when stuff just doesn’t make sense.  I was at the Yamaha dealer getting supplies to change the oil in my Yamaha XT250. They are also a Harley dealer.  When I got done a salesman talked to me.  He told me that they can’t get Harleys and there were very few on the floor.  He told me that the demand is huge massive but no bikes toooo sale.  And I get paid on commission—not good!  That doesn’t sound good for anyone.  He said—The spring is really a good time to sell, especially when folks want them and have the money to buy!  Ouchy ouchy! A banker/friend would say—A Harley loan is one of the best loans to make. That is the last thing they will default on.  If they default on their Harley loan, they are dead broke, or the Russians are coming!

I was at Hy-Vee the other day and had a neat experience.  I saw an online shopper doing her job and she was talking to herself, then laughing at herself and was just happy.  She said to me—I’m fine, really I am.  I have soooo many things going on in my head; it’s just hilarious. She was shopping for 16 different customers all at the same time.  She told me she really enjoyed her job. It’s the folks like you that that make it soooo fun (i.e. I don’t know if I really was that great but if she things soooo, great). She said there are very few folks who are unhappy and the ones that are, there is probably a reason, and I don’t take it personal.   She was a very neat gal, my opinion.  Soooo I went to check out and the checker was not happy.  Maybe he was just demoted in Hi-Vee’s realignment.  Maybe he took it in the shorts.  Just maybe.  I took the online shopper’s advice and cut the guy some slack as he was not a happy checker.  Not a happy smile in every aisle! 

People who manage other folks have a tough job alright.  CommonJoe, who seems can play to the crowd sometimes, says—It’s hard to deal with different personalities and egos.  Especially when it comes to money, many folks’ true colors then show through.  Oh ya!  Some folks have no patience for that a.k.a. kissing everyone’s butt in trying to make everyone happy.   BUT when folks are making money (i.e. are very flush which many are it sure seems) they are way different then when money is tight and they are unhappy.  There is no question about that.  Personally, I can’t understand how this situation we are in a.k.a. dystopia can continue.  BUT, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile a quarter south of Roseland, MN. I think the world situation is a mess (i.e. my opinion). BUT I have read that it’s been that way many times before (i.e. history shows that some people live and some folks die and there has been wars and rumor of wars forever; it’s been that way forever). It really ain’t nuttin new! ItchieBitchie says—C’mon folks, it’s all driven by money and power. I try to live a simple life but it ain’t easy.  Yikes! Such is life. ParBaby says--I’m going to shut the news off and play golf!!!!!!

I was taking yard sticks and waste etc. to the dump site using my golf cart.  There was a gal crossing 9th street soooo we stopped and talked. She was a client of mine years ago.  We stopped in the middle of 9th street of Aplington, IA and talked.  Crazy, right! ANWAY, we haven’t’ talked for maybe 10 years. She burnt a barn down years ago by accident) which we paid for which we had a good laugh about. I asked her if she is still single as she was a divorcee.  She still was.  She is maybe 50ish and a grandmother.  She is very independent and a hard working entrepreneur.  She said she doesn’t have time for the drama of a relationship of a guy and many guys don’t’ care for an aggressive, independent women like her.  She is still a very pretty lady but has gained a few pounds.  We really had a good conversation in the middle of 9th street in Butler County, IA.  I might not ever talk to here again.  I’m old enough to be here dad. Huh, interesting.  What fun.

Maybe it might be a good idea to be an advocate for another.  Some folks really need an advocate. I think there are at times when we all need or will need an advocate.  One easy way to be an advocate for others is incensory prayer for others (i.e. my opinion). There appears to me that very few radical changes happen in our lives or others without God.  Just look around folks.  It doesn’t take rocket science to figure that out.  AA says that very few folks can kick the habit without The Higher Power (i.e. that is pretty much proven). To me that is rational.  RickyRick says—"Radical transformation is what God wants for you a.k.a the ultimate makeover. You can turn over a new leaf on your own (e.g. like losing 30 pounds), but only God can give you a new life. He does this by renewing your mind. Ephesians 4:22-24 says, ‘Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires . . . be made new in the attitude of your minds; and . . . put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness’ (NIV). Notice that there’s a putting off and a putting on. The health of your mind really comes down to stopping some stuff you need to stop doing and starting some stuff you need to start doing. Stop putting negative, hurtful things into your mind. Start watching and listening to things that make you more like Christ.”  I believe this (i.e. I have a trillion and 2 reasons to believe).  My suggestion is to be an incensor for others.

I had a learning lesson the other day (i.e. a humbling lesson).  I was in my golf cart and saw a friend in his yard.  We talked.  Part of his family is having great medical problems (i.e. I mean a tough situation). We talked about the typical stuff pertaining to the ugliness of the situation.  Sooooo the next morning I was still thinking about them and went to see him and helped them in a little way that I could (i.e. talk is cheap folks but action is what it’s all about). Besides giving makes everyone feel good; it’s good for the soul).  I had a friend tell me (i.e. she said—I’m not bragging about myself erv. but I offered to help an elderly person who was large and needed help walking). Many folks won’t do that but just talk about it.  She said she was soooo appreciative in me helping her.  My friend is this way, soooo that is no surprise, but I gave her an opportunity, maybe, in that she could tell me about it (i.e. it takes a good friendship to have someone to tell this good stuff toooo; most folks think they are bragging  soooo we won’t share). Sooooo maybe you think I’m bragging about helping my friend’s family in a little way I could.  Could be, that is your choice.  Or maybe I consider you good friends!  Soooooo I suggest you do something good for someone this day (i.e. and email or text me what you did).  Just don’t talk about doing something in church or in your mind or at the card table.  Talk is cheap but it takes money to buy whiskey! Remain rational you irrational person! Suck it up cupcake and let’s get going!   "Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one." Maurus Aurelius who died 180 AD

erv, remain rational for God’s sake! Here is another experience I had which reminded me that we just don’t change very easily.  A friend is a great person but has a quality that they can’t or won’t chance a.k.a. flawed.  This quality seems to be built in them.  Maybe because of past environment or current environment or genetics.  I don’t know (i.e. they might not even know they are flawed).  I think we all have some qualities in us that are tough to get rid of (i.e. maybe even the folks who think they are perfect).  We just can’t or won’t change. Okay, some folks do! But most will go to their grave not changing, my opinion (i.e. maybe they will round the corners a little though).  Sooooo do I just accept this friend this way or try to change them?  Good question.  What do you think?  That is what I thought. EasyGoingBetsy, who has been known to get saucy at times, says—I prefer to talk big and then just kick the same can down the same street! Besides, changing makes me and others nervous (i.e. out of our comfort zone).

I don’t know if I’m rational or not, but I do spring yard work in a crazy order.  I do the work that irritates me the most by me looking at it.  There is a point that I can’t stand it anymore soooo I do it.  I postpone the other stuff until another day.  It seems to work for me.  And some days, I just don’t look at it soooo it doesn’t irate me.  It seems to work. There is always another day I say.  I’m retired and maybe lazy also. Soooo I decided to change over a flower garden to grass to save some work.  I was talking to my family about this, and they suggested I just transplant some ground cover and maybe get some more soooo it’s really not much work.  Great idea I thought.  I was telling a friend about this, and he said that he does that tooooo.  He even just takes his mover and mows around the different ground cover (i.e. great idea).  Seee, he’s lazy toooooo (i.e. not soooo, not this guy, he’s just more efficient).

I actually don’t care much for yard work including mowing lawn.  I have three neighbors that don’t have any bushes or tress.  I understand when you get older and lazier why they do that or like some of you who just move to a condo.  I have it pretty easy in AZ with a small lot and a rock yard.  I have decided to make my life easier by eliminating even more stuff in my IA yard.  I’m even thinking about buying a $10,000 riding lawn mower to mow my little yard (i.e. it takes me 45 minutes with my push mower and to trim but I could cut it down to maybe 10 minutes which would give me time to sit on the couch and eat chips).  Why not, others do that. BUT then again, I’m pretty frugal.  Maybe goats! Years ago, folks in the country didn’t have lawns but just let their livestock run around the house.  But then the neighbors got a lawn mower that put pressure on the rest of the neighborhood.  Oh, that peer pressure.  Now folks spend zillions on their yards. And I’m going the other direction! 

I like spring with all the new growth and freshness.  But I don’t like the spring winds in IA.  I can’t keep my hat on! I was coming back from my walk when some friends were leaning on their rakes in their yard and hollered for me to come over. They are seniors with health problems and were wondering what to do with all the work they were looking at.  And they said--All the stuff in their yard was 30 years old and looks that way (i.e. they sounded discouraged).  I don’t know what they decided.  It reassured my thinking that I would rather sit in my sun porch and read a book.  I’ll go to my sisters’ and friends’ places and just look at their pretty yards and uhhh and ahhh and then go home and sit in the sun porch with a cool drink and take a nap.

CoachB says—"Are you ever in wonderland?  Wonderland is inside of your mind and spirit. It’s when you see everything as a wonder. It’s like we see the miraculous things and just simple things all around us. When we develop this ability, it makes life much more precious.”  My suggestion—Try to appreciate as much as you can.  I think appreciation and gratitude is very important.  It appears to me that folks who do this, seem to enjoy life more. My opinion.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.

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