November 5, 2022

soooo that...

 This “It’s Saturday” is not going to be a career-ending experience for you and probably not a life changing experience (i.e. it’s not a kamikaze drone or anything like that). Soooo just relax. At least I don’t think it will be! haha

We do all things sooo that…! The… can be soooo many things.  Just think about that the next time you do something.  You do it soooo that…! There is a reason why we do anything and everything.  Some reasons are maybe good and some reasons maybe aren’t sooo good but there is always a reason why we do it soooo that…!  Don’t kid yourself folks.  We always have a motive and a reason why we do everything. MeanMax says—Quite often it is about the money!

DuaneTheWorm does everything soooo that he can be seen and heard to build his ego.  He’s a Showboart with a capital S! It’s all about him all the time. I read recently that Greeks look at brains, brawn and outward beauty more than most other nationalities.  It goes way back in their early heritage. While other nationalities look maybe more at internal beauty.  Sooooo many folks would spend a lot of time looking beautiful on the outside as it is very important in their environment and culture while others don’t.  They do that soooo that…! You do that soooo that…! According to google, the AverageAmericanWoman spends $182.30 a year on cosmetics soooo that… I don’t know if deodorant is included in that figure!

Last Saturday I went for a walk in Bear Creek Open Area by James and Heather inMorrison, CO. Coming back from my walk I talked to John, anybody can be a John, and Cody, father and son, who were in their garage. They work on cars together in their garage a.k.a. man's cave.  They told me that they have four generations of people that live in their house. I said--I can see why you guys work in the garage on cars!  They explained that they are very family orientated and also are believers so that... We had a great conversation. 

I never played in the NFL and I wasn’t in the military but I have heard in training in both of them that that they break a person down and then built them back up the way they want them.  It’s called by some folks “a reroute of life.”  A friend some years ago asked me—Why do we have to get to our lowest point before we will change a.k.a. reroute? Sooo that…! Sometimes we are pretty tough cookies. And maybe sometimes we are soooo stubborn that even when we get real low, we still won’t reroute our lives.  But some folks do reroute their lives and take a way different route (i.e. a completely different route). Some folks get on the right route and life is a lot better. I have an acquaintance who I am involved with currently who needs to reroute their life, my opinion. BUT I don’t know if it will happen. The reason is they have done this lifestyle for such a long time and actually they have it toooo good (i.e. they are enabled by family).  Their life isn’t bad enough yet! Ouchy ouchy! My hero, David, was knocked down tooooo nuttin and then brought back up to the top. Two things that really helped him; he remained humble, and he continued to love God. ItchieBitchie says—When you are on the top of the world like I am, it’s hard to have both of those qualities. I read recently--"As we say (i.e. I have no idea who 'the we' are)—Power corrupts…absolute power corrupts, absolutely.” Wasn’t The Great Roman Empire that way once?  Maybe America is that way now. I don’t know but maybe. Oh by the way, where is the Great Roman Empire? Where is Babylon? I think they were the greatest in the world at one time!

I talked to a 82-year old women recently who told me that she is broken hearted.  Well, that’s too bad—it is and I really hurt really bad—are you repairing your broken heart—I’m trying tooooo but it is not been easy—I encourage you too try to fix it as life is not good with a broken heart (i.e. do it sooooo that…!). She had a broken heart because her family forced her to go into a care facility. I happened to talk to another lady, age 49, who told me that she toooo has a broken heart. She said—The folks at the church she attended blabbered personal information she shared in a small group with everyone (i.e. regular loud speakers) soooo she doesn’t go to church anymore; I don’t need that type of folks. I told her that is toooo bad but not all folks are that way; don’t give up in having relationships, there are a lot of good folks; you just happened to run into a few rotten eggs.

It is such a good feeling to be needed and loved and also to show others that they are needed and loved. David was totally discouraged (i.e. about as low as a person can feel) sitting in a cave by himself up ‘er in ‘em mountains when low and behold his family showed up sorta kinda out of the blue along with their households. They never showed him much attention before and there they were. What a surprise.  Then behind him came 400 folks, which the number grew with time, who he didn’t even know.  400 of nobodies that felt just like him; they were folks from the other side of the tracks who were hurting as well. These nobodies became David’s mighty army and some become his cabinet when he served as King of Israel. A bunch of nobodies who became somebodies! Huh, interesting. Absolutely crazy. You put your thoughts into that story soooo that…! AverageJoe says—Being needed and wanted feels good to me!

If I would offer you $100 today or if you waited a year, I would give you $200, which one would you take? Now what do you think a 15-year old young man would take? An 85-year old woman? Or a 10-year old girl? Maybe they all would say I would do… Soooo that…! Delayed gratification is hard in a culture that wants everything immediate.

A gal told me recently that she is not an expert on the Bible, but she reads a Psalm every day (i.e. now that is a big person who admits they don’t know everything). The Psalms are soooo uplifting and encouraging to me; I can relate to David what he went through in his life, somewhat. Pretty neat for sure.  A friend sent me the pic. It’s what a friend of his has on the cover of his Bible. This person reads the Bible soooo that…! This next statement is not my opinion or anyone else’s opinion but is the gospel truth if you like it or not a.k.a. reality—If your life is heading in a bad direction and you don’t put some force in that life to turn it around, your gonna keep going in a bad direction. That cannot be argued, it is the verdict! Such is life.

Soooo a friend told me that the church they attend has a certain social flavor that probably not all folks would enjoy attending (i.e. not all folks would fit or feel comfortable). Huh, interesting. I had another friend who told me that the church she attends has a lot folks who are fake, not humble folks but think they are perfect a.k.a. Pharisaical flavored. These two friends are good folks sooo my opinion is if they think that way then others do toooo (i.e. it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out). The flavor of these two groups of folks probably act that way soooo that…! Maybe these groups of folks don’t know they are this way or maybe they like it that way (i.e. have the corner on the market).  Both could be correct or neither are correct. How do I know!

JoeBlow, who is as big as Goliath was, said to me recently—Oh boy erv, have I changed.  I started out being an hourly worker for a company, then I became a union employee of the company, and then I was promoted to manager of the employees and then I was promoted to senior manager of the managers and then I became part owner.  I mean, I changed my perspective on things as I went up the ladder.  I saw things differently at each level. And then I retired and changed my tune again. And now I’m 85 and fighting aging issues and things look different again. Wow! At each level I had to do stuff soooo that…! WorldClassLarry who is mature beyond his years, says—erv, that is the nature of the beast!

I was in a business the other day and a gal waited on me that was really made up in good taste, my opinion.  She seemed to high lite her eyes with something and looked very attractive, especially from a distance.  I think this gal would have been attractive without any make up, maybe even more attractive. I talked to her about a product I was looking for and decided that she was pretty both outside and inside, my opinion. Sooooo was she really telling me the truth by being made up? Or was she made up soooo that…! Maybe not telling the whole truth is ok at times!  haha

Soooo I was around a person the other day who was crazily angry, I mean insane angry. They flew way off the handle.  Way over the top. Why do folks get that way. Some folks get that way more than others.  Is it genetic, past environment or current environment? This person acted like they were out of their mind. I did some research about anger and found out that some researchers believe that folks are insane when they get that way, therefore when angry gets out of control, a person is temporarily insane some think. Folks act that way soooo that…!

I couldn’t send the link of “It’s Saturday” to you who have mschi as your server for some time.  Your server is weird. I googled it and others asked the same thing. Soooo I contacted a friend who is a professional wizard and asked him if he had any suggestions. He said—"Unfortunately if that specific Internet service provider is not accepting them, that’s a 'them' issue, not a 'you' issue and that’s outside of your control until they fix the issue!” Now isn’t that the case more often with folks as well, it’s a ‘them’ issue that we have no control over. But we have a choice now don’t we, soooo that…! BUT sometimes I have a ‘me’ issue which I do have control over, now don’t ‘you’ erv! FlipThePancake, BUT maybe those folks no longer have an account with mschi! Could be! 

I really had an enjoyable summer doing many new, fun things. I really wonder what I will do next! This could be exciting what the next opportunities will be. I really can’t wait to see what will happen here in AZ a.k.a. new opportunities for sure! I embrace the future! I can’t wait to do them a.k.a. ‘me’ opportunities soooo that…!

I studied under a friend this fall in a small group. He is a very good facilitator; my opinion, a real mistro, and I stumbled over this gem he used--St. Brendan of Birr. "In the early days of Irish Christianity, druid tradition collapsed with the spread of the new faith. Study of Latin learning and Christian theology in monasteries flourished. Brendan became a pupil at the monastic school at Clonard Abbey. During the sixth century, some of the most significant names in the history of Irish Christianity studied at the Clonard monastery. It is said that the average number of scholars under instruction at Clonard was 3,000.[3] Twelve students who studied under Saint Finian became known as the Twelve Apostles of Ireland; Brendan of Birr was one of these.  The story that I recounted in group was of St. Brendan evangelizing a pagan king.  The king asked what would be in store for him if he became a Christian.  Brendan replied, "If you become Christ's, you will stumble upon wonder upon wonder, and every one of them true."

JoeSmuck of North Butler County said--Iowa football is in danger of being left behind in new era of college football (i.e. that is his opinion of course). We seem to be living in a new era  AGAIN!  LuckieEddie says--It ain't nuttin new erv, ya gotta keep up or you are dead in the water. It's been that way for ever. Don't act soooo surprised. Look around, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Ya gotta to change sooo that...!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—The only difference between try and triumph is a little ump.

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