November 12, 2022


Age alone is no guarantee of maturity or freedom from error.  As Elihu said to Job, “The experts have no corner on wisdom; getting old doesn’t guarantee good sense” Job 32:9). I have no idea if any of the stuff in this “It’s Saturday” is wisdom or good sense.  It is what it is!  That’s all I can say!  AAA-CHOOO!

I have to admit that I’m a SwervenErvin.  I swerve in and out for a lot of reasons.  Maybe my life’s road is slick and that is why I swerve. Or maybe I want to make better time soooo I swerve in and out of traffic. There was a new law passed in IA that is already in existence in AZ that you can go between traffic lanes of standing traffic called lane splitting or filtering.  I saw a lot of it in Europe last summer when folks with their scooters were going all over the place just inches between them and cars. It will take some practice for me to get comfortable with that I would guess. I will have to learn a new flavor of swervin'! haha

I hope that I mature and don’t swerve soooo much as I do on occasions, but I really wonder as I wander if that will happen. A friend told me that he and his friend mentored some folks who came to their church both with money management and their spirituality. After some time they reverted back to their old ways (i.e. their default systems). My friend felt like they were taken advantage of. My friend seemed discouraged. And then those folks went to another church. Another friend is mentoring a young person about money management. He just doesn't get it that he can't spend more than he makes. His attitude is--I don't need to worry about it, the government will bail me out and take care of me sooo why should I worry.  AAA-CHOOO!

We just keep her rolling; America is now about $31 trillion or is it $41 trillion in debt (i.e. who really knows).  My observation is that the snowball that is rolling down the mountain is getting bigger and bigger and going faster and faster and getting closer to the bottom (i.e. we just can’t stop it; it’s completely out of control). At some point in time, something has to change. I believe the only way it will change is a huge massive catastrophe.  Maybe that is why folks are living it up today for tomorrow they wonder toooo!  But what do I know, I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN.  ItchieBitchie says—erv erv, folks have been saying that for years and years and years, but we just keep on going. We just keep swervin' and swervin' to dodge the bullet. Soooo far we have been very good swervers!  Very innovative and creative.  We are very very good! YaBut ItchieBitchie--Both parties during their recent campaigning said to vote for them to save America's democracy!

I had a neat experience this fall.  I admire the flowers of a neighbor down the street, especially her zinnias. She said she would bring me some flower heads after frost soooo I could harvest the seeds for next year.  She kept her promise. I told her she does such a great job—I try.  I told her I really like that statement; we try.  That is a such a humble statement as we all know we always aren’t perfect (i.e. well, most of us don’t think soooo anyway). She is in the banking business and told me that she never planned to be in this business but just it just fell into her lap. Fell into her lap.  How many of us can say something similar, it just fell into our lap.  I sure can. We swerve around in life, and it just falls into our lap (e.g. folks spend $200,000 to get a degree in English and end up owning a garbage business). Swerven swerven Raw Hide! Did any of you folks watch that TV program as a kid?

Here is a good prayer that I read this week—Keep me authentic, Lord. Take every phony-baloney cell out of my body.  Just keep me real. It appears to me that when I am real to the bone, I don’t swerve as much.  AAA-CHOOO!  On my trip from Morison, CO to Mesa I was pulling into Trinidad at sunrise when I got a tire shot out from underneath me. That was a two hour delay. But, I met four very nice and kind people (i.e. real folks with good hearts; my kind of folks). Actually, it was an opportunity. So everything kinda worked out OK. As MyFriendJim always says to me--Happenstance, na, I don't think soooo erv!

It appears that many folks who swerve their way to the top and now they have no one to answer toooo. They are the top of the ladder a.k.a. the big dog! They can be very private, and no one knows what happens behind closed doors. Except themselves! They can get by with murder!  That is just an expression just like me getting a tire shot out from under me at dawn, but sorta kinda true!  But then some way the truth is found out and they come tumbling down like Humpty Dumpty!  It seems to happen to a lot of folks.  Some “attorney up” and swerve their way out of the worse but usually it ruins their lives it seems.  But maybe they still are rich financially and to them maybe that is all that counts.  Could be.  They don’t care about their families or friends.  It’s the money folks, it’s all about the money! They think they can always get another spouse and buy some more friends. Money can do that they think, and I guess it can, maybe. It is really hard it seems to stay fundamentally sound in what is true.  We have a tenancy to swerve away from truth when we get cocky and overconfident. We all, my opinion, need to be careful. I like the saying—erv, pay attention and heed the advice of your friends who are good counsel (i.e. I ask my friends for advice a lot; BUT I need to  pick good friends soooo I get good advice).  

Chuck, anybody can be a Chuck says—"If you find yourself in a trusted and precarious position of being unquestioned in your authority, be very, very careful. In fact, I would counsel you to select a small group of trusted people to voluntarily make yourself accountable to. Carte blanche, free-wheeling leadership is dangerous. Few people can handle it…not even an old, experienced person who has been around the block many many times.”  ItchieBitchie says—When I think I know everything, I find out I don’t and fall into deep doo-doo!

I must admit that maybe my eyes are more developed than my brain. I don’t think I’m swerving here folks. I seem to have a lot of defects. BUT I seem to hate that when folks point them out to me.  BUT I must admit that I have them, a lot of them.  BUT I have learned that folks that admit their faults are much better folks than those who don’t.  BUT thank all you for pointing out all my defects and weaknesses! You folks are amazing! haha

The end of the matter is: Have you ever got good counsel but never really got it?

I have friends who are not quitters. They have and I think will stick to the truth to their end.  But King Solomon was maybe the smartest man who ever lived and faltered the last half of his life.  He sorta kinda went off the deep end.  He is called the half-hearted man. David, who is one of my heroes, did the same but then got it together but suffered the consequences the rest of his life (i.e. sin can be forgiven but the consequences remain not just for the sinner but for their family and friends—ouchy ouchy—that just doesn’t seem fair—the only thing that is fair is the Butler County Fair and that is in June). Soooo why would folks change their way?  Why do folks do that.  AverageJoe says—erv, I would guess maybe for the temporary pleasure of sin! AAA-CHOOO!

A mother was telling me about her morning getting her two young boys ready before coming to work by herself as her husband is gone some of the time because of his occupation. She said—it is really hard as one of the boys is soooo cooperative and listens and the other one is just the opposite being sooo belligerent; he can make my life soooo hard; they both come from the same gene pool!  She asked me if I think he will every change.  Soooo I had the opportunity to engage with a person (i.e. I don’t know if this person was a male or female as I couldn’t determine it physically or by their name).  I asked the person if there was anything I could do for them (i.e. this is my position)—no, the medical staff is doing a good job and say they will be able to fix me up—well, good, it seems like you have a good attitude—yes, I have always had a good attitude but I have always thought different that most folks—what do you mean—I just think different than others and am a different person than most (i.e. this person had tattoos on their face and had their face pierced in different locations)—sooo is that an advantage or disadvantage do you think—probably both at times but I’m very content and happy with who I am—sooo is there anything I can do for you—no no I’m good—I wish you the best and may God bless you—and may God bless you and thanks for visiting with me! Soooo do you think any of these folks who think they are different will swerve from being who they are now? Do you think you will ever change? Maybe their parents would like them to change, maybe! Dr.Joe, who is well studied, says—Genetics cannot be changed by environment or can it? 

Coach B says—"Change is painful but there is nothing as painful as being stuck somewhere that you don’t belong. Change is difficult but it takes some struggle to change anything in life that we have a habit of that we’ve been there for a long time and sometimes we know we’re not supposed to be there, we know we’re not supposed to be doing this, we know we’re not supposed to be with this person but because we’re comfortable or at least we’re not overly uncomfortable we don’t make the change. Change is painful, it really is difficult to make major changes in almost any area, but it is far more painful to be stuck somewhere that you really do not belong.” AAA-CHOOO!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said--Courage cannot be tested cautiously. 

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