August 3, 2024

it is what it is

Chris Simpson, President of CBMC International, expresses it this way: “Creating human influence is cheap and easy – tell people what they want to hear.” Saturday question—Soooo what do you want to hear? Be careful, this “It’s Saturday” might not do that! Ouchy ouchy!

When folks receive compliments of their abilities and talents many times folks will question the giver of such compliments as if they are sincere or are just saying them to win them over (i.e. taking advantage of them). This method has been used a lot and it works for many folks and in many cases. Soooo, how do we know? Good question. Time sure can help determining this I think but even then some folks are really fooled. Many times we become very suspicious of other folks' compliments as maybe we should. Especially if we have heard such stories or have been taken advantage of before. HattieFromYakima says--It ain't always what it is!

The first time I met Jeanne in our AZ 55+ park's chapel service one Sunday morning, I saw some amazing things about her; I was just amazed. After we got to know each other some, I really got to see and experience her amazing qualities. I would tell her about them. She told me later she didn't totally believe what I was saying but wondered if I was just saying that stuff to win her over. Her amazing qualities never went away but just grew. But what is really interesting is that she doesn't even know most of the time that she is amazing! That makes her even more amazing!

I was telling a female friend from church that I had a nasty, tough tooth pulled this week. It was soooo nasty and tough I told her, that my female dentist had to crawl up on my lap and put both of her knees on my shoulders to get enough leverage to jerk it out. My female friend from church said--erv, did you tell her that you are married!

“I mean it, mister!” “I’m not kidding this time!” “Don’t make me pull this car over! I mean business!” Maybe you heard some of those expressions when you were growing up. Or perhaps you even used some of them raising your own children. In any case, these expressions are “parent-speak” for emphasizing the fact that you “really, really” mean something. If you don’t behave you aren’t going to get out of this house for a year! And the kid thinks, Ya right! I heard all of this before! It is what it is!

The Westminster Shorter Catechism was written in 1646–1647 in an effort to reform the Church of England. I really don't know if it did the trick or not. The first question and answer are noteworthy: Q. What is the chief end of man? A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever. Today, we might say, “What is God’s purpose for man?” We might not all agree what the answer is now in 2024 I would guess.  It is what it is in our mind, I guess! I sorta kinda got to know a guy a little by accident through Marketplace. He made mention that when he got home from church he would contact me—I texted him and said—Sooo are you toooo a believer and here is his response--Yes sir! Since 1995! My wife helped me open my eyes, mind, and heart to the Lord.

“I have also learned why people work so hard to succeed: it is because they envy the things their neighbors have. But it is useless. It is like chasing the wind.” Ecclesiastes 4:4 (GNT) ItchieBitchie says—That is bologna, those who don’t work hard are lazy and just want to live off the government and complain that they don’t have as much as I do.  We can’t have it both ways, or can we? And there are some who inherit huge, massive amounts of money for just being born in a certain family. Hey, life isn’t fair! The only thing that’s fair is the Butler County Fair and that’s in June! It is what it is!

The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty — a fad. Advice given to Henry Ford's lawyer, Horace Rackam, by an unnamed president of Michigan Savings Bank in 1903. I have learned again by getting rid of my personal property of our house that our culture has changed (i.e. folks don’t want same stuff that they used to). It ain’t nuttin new folks, it has always been that way and will continue that way. Soooo why are we sooo surprised. We have natural events that happen; hey, they have happened many times before (e.g. glaciers, hurricanes, droughts, fires, floods etc.). It appears to me that the one major event can change our world.  History shows us that it can. Maybe we won’t change until that happens (i.e. something that we have no control over). It sorta kinda looks that way to me maybe!  The only thing we can say is, it is what it is!

A friend told me that she reconnected with an old friend (i.e. old friend in two ways).  They really enjoyed being together as they were on neutral ground and her friend wasn’t around her peer group in which she usually always tries to impress. Huh, interesting. It is what it is folks! Saturday question—Do we act differently when we are around different folks or in a different group?  If we do, then we are a fake, a phony, not the real deal. Ouchy ouchy! GeorgeTheCrook says—My wife can be that way; she is actually quite good at acting! She learned it from her mother I think. She sure fooled me! It is what it is!

Three friends told me the same story soooo it must be factual!  They both hired an arborist to come and trim their trees as they weren’t doing very well.  He came and trimmed them to a point where you could throw a cat through the trees and the cat wouldn’t hit anything. They looked bad; looked like they wouldn’t make it, that bad. This spring they started to grow and now the trees are beautiful. I guess we gotta get rid of some of the old stuff to give new growth a chance to show how great it is. MissPerfect says—YaBut it is soooo hard to get rid of the old stuff now isn’t it. It is what it is!

A 16-year-old friend told me that she and a friend usually work out at Planet Earth nearly every morning. It is near their homes, and they let teenagers use the facility for free during the summer. ANYWAY, her friend is a little overweight and told her that she doesn’t want to be like her mother who smokes and is obese! It is what it is.

We like convenience and will pay big bucks to have it. Look around folks, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. We want it easy and fast from fast food to fast internet service and we will pay for it.  We want it at our fingertips and user friendly. I was with a friend golfing recently and someone was mowing the hay next to the golf course with a very nice hay cutter and a very nice tractor. My friend who is a retired farmer said—Boy, it would be fun farming now with all the convenient and fun equipment. BUT they are expensive! AverageJoe says—BUT they all seem to have the latest and the best! It is what it is!

I just heard and confirmed that we spend 93% of our time of life inside! That seems to be crazy to me but that is what they say. 93%! It must feel good to be inside! I wonder what percent of the 93% sit on the couch, eat chips, and are watching TV? Huh, interesting! It is what it is!

Chris also says—" Some influences we should emulate. Who are the people around you who seem to make life better, for you and for others? We should seek to learn from them…Some influences we should avoid. Sometimes we are not even aware of the influence people have on us. The best way to temper negative influences is to stay away from people who are toxic, who tend to poison the atmosphere wherever they go.” Myneighblordownthestreet says—"Sooooo be around good folks, they will make our lives soooo much better (i.e. don’t kid yourself). Choose wisely! I always don’t do what I say though!” Anotherneighbordownthestreet has a tee shirt that says—Can’t throw stones while washing feet. She said she got the tee shirt at a Buccees truck stop. It is what it is!

VelvetElvis said—Anybody anywhere who is doing all they can to point people to the deeper realities of God is doing a beautiful thing.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

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