August 17, 2024


I, Jeanne, my duffel bag and my Yamaha XL250 are on our way to Yakima, WA, the Apple Capital of the world as they say in Yakima which will be my new home. It’s a great exciting opportunity for me, no question about it. I have written many times that I pray for opportunities, the ability to recognize them and the courage to act on them. Well, I got one, a huge massive big one! It puts some pep in my step!

As an ol’ golf buddy and friend said to me on the course, erv, you are soooo fortunate to have met Jeanne. You seem soooo compatible and enjoy life soooo much together; it just doesn’t happen to that degree at your age very often. We understand that and appreciate it. We say our gratitude many times to God. It’s really incredible. As we say—It’s a miracle, A God wink! It’s way beyond us!

I leave Aplington with soooo many great memories especially related to Arlene and our kids. I will never forget those memories and they will always be a big part of my great life; they are soooo important, enduring and lasting (i.e. many of those are connected with you folks). I will never forget those many memories and experiences. Some of them are funny ones and some are heart-breaking ones. You folks have been soooo good to me and our family and have impacted us. Yes, you have (i.e. many of you have given us great opportunities and have supported me and our family). I’m really not capable of expressing what you have been to me. All I can say is, thanksamillion! I have soooo many great friends. You are just incredible! I hope I have been half as good to you as you folks have been to me and our family!

A motto that I had above my desk is this:  “OPPORTUNITY I shall pass through this world but once, any good therefore that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” My suggestion to all of you, whatever you want to do, and can do, do it now. Do it. Life is short and time is a tickin’! And Tina, there aren’t many Tinas, says—You don’t wanna be like the kid standing at the top of the waterside, over thinking it, you got to go down the chute!

Jeanne was recently listening to a book, a mystery murder and one of the characters said (i.e. that really means the author said it)--The things that ask the most of us are the things most worth having. If we don’t do anything then not much happens the way it looks to me. Anybody can do nuttin and complain (i.e. average is average folks, and it really doesn’t take much effort to be average). It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Actually, I have really done my kids a favor, I cleaned out our house and I actually have only a duffel bag of personal property left. Some of you kids, I really feel sorry for you as how much stuff your parents have. I found out and they don’t know that most of it isn’t worth much monetarily although we think it is. And, let me tell ya, it’s a lot of work. Soooo I don’t have hardly any personal property and I own no real estate. I’m a renter basically both in WA and in AZ, just paying my rent. That’s a wow! It will be a blast!

Yesterday was yesterday, this is today, and tomorrow is tomorrow!

Yes, change can be difficult for many folks. A few people thrive on change, but for most folks, change threatens them because it shakes the little sense of security we have. But flip the pancake, change is very exciting as well. Change can be a great opportunity.

Dr.J says--In 1961, President John F. Kennedy quoted a phrase from the Puritan John Winthrop’s 1630 sermon in which he referenced “a city upon a hill,” referring to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in colonial America. In 1980, President Ronald Reagan used the same phrase in his campaign speeches. While Kennedy and Reagan were quoting John Winthrop, Winthrop himself was quoting Jesus: “A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” It is interesting to me that some Presidents and other great folks quoted the Bible; there must be a reason. Abraham Lincoln did it often. I read this in the Bible—Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders, make the most of every opportunity. Here is another—Make the most of every opportunity. And another—Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.

Jeanne also shared another statement by a character in the book with me—I’m a believer and you aren’t, and it seems we think differently; I hope for the best. You prepare for the worst.  That seems like a strange statement in a murder mystery novel doesn’t it.

VelvetElvis says—Never miss an opportunity to spread the word even if it is in an unusual way.

To sum up this “It’s Saturday,” my mind is peaceful, and it is well with my soul!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean said—Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.

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