November 9, 2011

She doesn't have to live that way...

She doesn't have to live that way but she chooses to!  Do you understand that boy?  I do I do!  Yabut my wife doesn't see it that way nor does she understand it.!  Ouchy ouchy!  "It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted"  ~Aeschylus (525-456 B.C), Greek poet and dramatist~ Arlene and I were out one day doing some fun stuff.  We were in an "trinket place" a.k.a. women's gift shoppe (i.e. a fancy one--high end stuff).  I heard three woman talking so I eve dropped as it was interesting to me what they were talking about.  They were talking about their mothers and how they live their lives.  One gal was saying that her mom lives quite frugal.  She seems to really enjoy life but doesn't spend a lot of money to make her house a fashion show.  The others commented that they couldn't understand why she would live that way.  The daughter said--She doesn't have to live that way but she chooses too!  The way these gals were dressed and talked, I don't think any of them have the same attitude.  But flip the pancake--There are many who can't understand why these gals choose to live the way they do--They don't have to live that way but choose to!  Choices and decisions we all must make.  And remember, choices and decisions have consequences.  MissPerfect says--Sometimes ugliness goes undetected!  Such is life.

Some might think her side of the moon is pretty dark!  Ouchy ouchy!  Joexixpack says--My mother-in-law, BettyLou, is glitzy, showy, egotistical, self-centered and thinks she's the Queen of the Nile.  She thinks she's  -- Dry clean only!  I bet she thinks her...doesn't stink!  She thinks she's God's gift to men!  She doesn't have to live that way but she chooses too!  I always wonder why she is that way!  Is that a learned behavior do you think or is it competition amongst her so-called friends that she thinks she's higher up the social food chain if she acts that way.  There is an image factor you know.  Some folks really buy into that.  I think women do it more than men (i.e. I see young gals put on the dog to gain an advantage).  But I know some men who think they are God, a king or the Pope too!  GeorgeTheCrook says--None of us have to live with the attitude we have, but we choose to do it.  InsecureSally with the sparkles on her shoes says--I think BettyLou's side of the moon is very bright just like mine! I like glitz and bling!  Such is life.

CadillacJack says--I'm jealous sometimes.  Ya, I'm human. I get jealous sometimes but...after I sleep on it...!  We could afford to have a more expensive house, more expensive car, better golf clubs, better remodeled interior house design, better and fancier clothes, better food but we chose not too.  ItchieBitchie says--Why in the world would you chose not too?  I don't get it.  Well, ItchieBitchie, if you don't get it, I would be wasting my time telling you!  MissPerfect says--My mom could afford a much better house, of course, but that's where her family has always lived.  She feels very comfortable in her surroundings.  She doesn't crave to have something more glamorous!  Some of you think that her attitude is asinine and stupid.  For those of  you who think that, you really don't understand her mentality, do ya.  If you don't get it, I would be wasting my time telling you! 

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--But because of the Pharisees, they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.  Huh, interesting.  They didn't have to live their lives that way but chose to.  Such is life.

She doesn't have to live that way but she chooses to!  Yes she does.  In our current economical challenging times, many folks have concerns about their financial future.  My big sister (i.e. not bigger in size but bigger in age--she always wants me to say that--with a huge massive good heart sent me some stuff that is called "You're worth more than your balance sheet".  As she says--you write a lot about money.  Here are some excerpts--God, now that this is happening to me, will you stay with me, help me to see myself as a whole worthy and lovable person?  Will you help me get up each day with a sense of gratitude for what I have.--Interestingly, feeling compassion for others is the most reliable way to increase our own self worth--Don't confuse "net worth" with "self worth"--Often, our most important long-term investment has been with our partners, children and friends--Can you thank God for what you have and seek ways to help those who have less?  Those thoughts are not like inventing penicillin or something folks (i.e. they have been around for many years but...)  Sooooooooo folks, I guess we have choices and decisions.  And choices and decisions have consequences!!!! Oh ya!   LuckieEddie says--Sheep run with sheep and wolfs run with wolfs!  Such is life.

My little sister (i.e. by age and not by size -- but she is littler than me) has been an inspiration to me.  She called recently and was wondering how my training is going.  She is, I think 60, started running 3 years ago and runs 3 miles about 5 days a week (i.e. I'm really proud of her).  She is tough and nice with a good heart (i.e. a good combination).  She is a retired teacher.  ANYWAY we talked about children in elementary who are shy, little, not contentious, polite, quiet, with an inner sense of goodness.  These are usually not the loud, arrogant, obnoxious, or cocky ones.  You know who we are talking about.  These will be the ones who will be the successful folks most often when they blossom.  You can just pick them out even at that age.  Not always but many times.  They are not always the biggest, most aggressive, or the pushiest.  They seem to have that inner confidence.  Those thoughts are not like inventing penicillin or something folks--it's always been that way. 

I was visiting with my 84 year old friend the other day.  On her muted TV was the highlights of the World Series game.  Her late husband was a big Cardinal fan.  She reminded me that she watched a lot of Cardinal games with him.  Sooooo do you watch football--no, he, being her late husband, never would teach me about the game of football; I always worked during those games while he watched them.  I said--Now there's a smart man not teaching you about football so you worked all the time!   He manipulated you and you didn't even know it!  She just laughed and laughed!  She didn't have to work but she chooses to do that.  Why, 'cause she would do anything and everything for her hubby.  She didn't have tooooo live that way but she choose toooooooooo!  Well flip the pancake.  My friend is 180 degrees different than BigHeadTille.  Oh ya!  AverageJoe says this about his sister-in-law BigHeadTille--If you bought her for what she's worth and sell her for what she thinks she's worth, you'd make a whale of a deal.  Such is life.

They don't have to live that way but choose too!   Bud Wilkinson, former coach of the Oklahoma Sooners, once was asked if he thought football was a positive influence on Americans to become physically fit. He responded:  "In football, you have 60,000 fans in the stands in desperate need of exercise, watching twenty-two players on the field in desperate need of rest."  Exercise is the #1 controllable factor of health.  Get out of the stands and onto some type of field. Move your body!  Throw those chips away and get your butt off the couch and do something.  SusieQ says--Be a winner--Winner winner chicken dinner!  Joesixpack asks--Does runnin' late count as exercise?!

CadillacJack says--I constantly need brownie points! I think Sigmund Freud or some other dream expert needs to explain the meaning of all this to him. SusieQ says, I think it will take someone even smarter than Sigmund Freud to figure out my friend CadillacJack! He's off the charts. CadillacJack thinks--Life is what your drive. It really doesn't matter, life will go on and he won't ever catch on (i.e. it will go right over his head).

Joesixpack asks--Do you live beneath your means or above your means?  Greed and comparison are friends and both are good for the economy (i.e. they are ruthless and effective).  It's easy today with ebay and the alike.  All a person has to do is click and your wish is fulfilled!  But folks, sometimes it best that some things just remain dreams!  It's sometimes better that way instead of getting in over your head when you have to be a Houdini to get out of your mess, you know.  That's life folks.  LucikieEddie says--Just beware of living your life for the thrills and missing the real meat (i.e. center cut).  We don't have to live our lives that way but we choose to!  Oh ya!

They didn't have to live that way but chose to.  I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half of banana on it--Everything they do is done for men to see:  They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them 'Rabbi' (i.e. this was in red).  It sounds to me like they were puffin' themselves up!  What do you think? 

James didn't have to but chose to.  The first Saturday of each month, Home Depot has a kids' workshop.  They build neat little things.  James and Erin go quite often. There seems to be many things that we don't have to do but choose to do now isn't there.  I had the opportunity to go along last Saturday.  It was interesting.  Sooooo on the way back from CO, we had the opportunity to take care of little Charlie on Monday as her day care provider was not working that day.  It was really a lot of fun (i.e. spoiled her rotten).  ANYWAY we got to go with Chet, Jessica and Charlie to her swimming lesson at the Y after work.  They don't have to do this but choose to.  They work hard and are busy.  It probably would be easier not to do it but they choose to.  Such is life.

We all choose how we live our lives now don't we.  A friend responded about the comment I made last week--It isn't if we win or loose but how we play the game.  He says--Winning in very important--that is why we keep score, keep the time etc.  I have started to watch many of the "all time funniest" movies.  Here is a quote from the one I watched in CO--Bernie Focker: It's not about winning or losing. It's about passion. You know what I mean, Jack. Jack Byrnes: Not really, Bernard. I think personal competitive drive is the essential key that makes America what it is today. Bernie Focker: Well, whatever works. Sooo do you know what movie that is from and have you watched it?  LuckieEddie says--Passion helps keep you young, in both mind and body. It usually shows on the outside when you have passion on the inside about something good. To be able to do something each day that you are passionate about is a blessing beyond price. It is like being paid to play.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans.


MyFriendJean says--Love and kindness are never wasted.  They always make a difference.

Bonus coverage if you have time--We choose how we think now don't we!  Do we judge others by the way they look?  Watch this short video--This is like canded camera The producers of this beer commercial borrowed a small, 150-seat cinema playing a popular film, and filled 148 of it's seats with rough-looking, tattooed bikers, leaving only two free seats in the middle of the theater. They then allowed theater management to sell tickets for the last pair of tickets to several young couples.  What would you do? Watch till the end .....

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