September 26, 2015

the mind

SusieQ says—My mind is a lottery, a regular crap shoot!  CrazyMrvin says--I tell you what SsieQ, I have a byzantine mind. Saturday queston—Do you trust you mind or your gut the most in making decisions?

Ciri says we have 78 organs in our body and 5 major organs—the heart, the brain, the lungs, the liver, and the kidneys. Joesixpack says—The brain (i.e. our mind) is affected by circumstances, events, propaganda, subliminal messages, education, internet narcissism, experiences etc.  My mentor use to say—erv, we are programed by our past.  I wonder sometimes if we hear the repeated same old things over and over sooooo many times that we no longer bother to notice what is being said. The words just become insipid.  I wonder. Maybe I just wonder that ‘cause my mind is weak and wonders a lot.  Could be folks. Weak mind strong back or something like that—I hurt my back taking the clothes out of the hamper the other day (i.e. crazy huh) soooo maybe I have a weak back and a weak mind.  Could be. LuckieEddie says--If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck!

This was a guy decision! I had a Ping G20 driver 10.5 degree loft R flex.  I wanted the same stick but with 8.5 degree loft.  Soooo I bought a used one on ebay and sold mind. My driver sold on eBay for $102.50. I paid $121 for the 8.5° driver. But if you add in the value of the sleeve of ProV1s at $15 that the seller threw in, the transaction cost me $3.50 to hit the ball 10 yards farther maybe! But I feel oh sooooo good! One of my golf buddies said to me—erv, all seasoned golfers know 10 yards off the tee is just for ego--the real improvement comes between the ears.

Hey, erv This is no joke it really happened to me!  A few weeks ago I noticed that I had gained some weight. I had reached an all time high of 232, so I decided to stop eating candy, ice cream and other good things. After two weeks I had lost 12# ! Not too bad!  I did the math and found that I had lost .857# per day, so I did some more math . I divided my current weight of 220# by .857 and found that in just 256.7 days I will be completely gone! So I went back to ice cream!  Oldclassmateof63

Joesixpack says--And sometimes we are wrong and we have to eat crow! The Italian mathematician, physicist, and philosopher Galileo was forced to recant his conviction that the earth moves around the sun rather than the sun around the earth. He was proven wrong.  WorldClassLarry says--It takes a big man to know and accept when he is wrong. Abraham Lincoln never formally joined a church.  He did start attending the Presbyterian church in Springfield after his son Edward died.  Lincoln was a student of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, did not, however, embrace the theology of salvation.  Yet when he saw the thousands of graves at Gettysburg, he had a spiritual awakening.  As Lincoln later said: “When I left Springfield I asked people to pray for me. I was not a Christian.  When I buried my son, the severest trail of my life in 1862, I was not a Christian.  But when I went to Gettysburg and saw the graves of thousands of soldiers, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ.

A golf buddy and I were talking about an old boss of his.  We came to the conclusion that it appears that many successful business folks sorta kinda have somewhat of a certain zing (i.e. moxie) to them.  ItchieBitchie says—Maybe folks need that mind set for them to be successful.  You think soooo?  I read in the paper, soooooo it must be right, that a little narcissism is ok and maybe good for folks.  The key might be “a small amount!”  WorldClassLarry says--Also if the little narcissism can be camouflaged with humility.  AverageJoe says—An egotistical person is one who is “me” deep in a conversation!  Ouchy ouchy!

 Recently I was in a small group setting where one of our buddies was given the opportunity to share his “current life’s storm.”  It is a tough storm he is in.  No question.  Storm aren’t much fun.  The residual effects of storms aren’t either.  You all know what I am talking about—if not, you will at some time.  I talked to my friend later and he told me it felt sooooo good to share it.  I told him that it was an opportunity for him but also a great opportunity for the rest of us to hear it.  CadillacJack says--Stuff like that can affect a guy’s mind alright (i.e. maybe just temporally or maybe permanently). I asked out support group what they do to encourage themselves--one gal said she prays for wisdom, lot of wisdom and 
patience and courage--does it help--my storm doesn't go away and is gettin worse but my mentality has changed.  Bingo.

The other morning I was running and one of my buddies hollered at me—erv, are you moving or standing still!  Later that morning, he called me and asked if he offended me.  I told him he couldn’t chagrin me (i.e. ‘cause I know him and his heart).  He was wondering as it is soooo easy to offend anyone these days.  That is the kind of buddy he is.  But I really wonder if he was kidding or if he was serious and he had a slip of the tongue!!! I think ( opinion) that this “having to be sooooo careful what you say” has taken some fun out of life.  Our language has become very generic, less colorful, more middle of the road. We are sooo concerned that we might be offending others that we just don’t say anything (i.e. ya can’t offend anyone if you don’t say anything). Could be but I don’t know. What do you think?

Does a monkey use its mind or gut to make decisions?  I read this in the paper, sooooo it must be right--In the wild, female chimpanzees have been seen trading sex for meat. In the lab, capuchin monkeys who are rewarded with silver discs for performing some task will use them to buy sex. MissPerfect says--The mind of a human and a moneys seem to operate about the same.  Really! Ya gotta wonder if Darwin's theory has some merit!  

I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--God has used out-of-the-ordinary strategies in the past. Most of us can probably think of a time or two when we thought we had life figured out, only to have it turned upside down. A radical change in career, an uncomfortable move, an illness, or even a death can bring one closer to God and doing his will in ways never imagined. We can go through life playing it safe, but there will be times when God may use a risk or strange way to bring something new to light, as only he can. Now those times can and might affect a person’s mind alright.

 MissPerfect says--Many criminals and street folks are notorious liars (i.e. seem to be very good at it). Why? Well maybe part of the reason is ‘cause many of them are mentally ill or addicted. I read in the paper that statistically, the upper classes in America go to school, go to work, get married, stay married, are active in community events, go to church and don’t commit stupid crimes (i.e. think through that folks). GeorgeTheCrook says--Some folks seem to make better decisions.  And decisions have consequences. LuckieEddie says—I think folks have choices (i.e. some folks think not everyone has choices and also think that not all decision are not made freely--if they are not mentally capable or under duress). It appears to me that the world takes advantage of many folks who are not capable of making good decisions (i.e. pluck pluck pluck the easy ones).  I read in the paper, soooo it must be right--Lottery sells most in poorer locations. Saturday question—Have you ever been plucked. GeorgeTheCrook says—Listen folks, there are some “apex predators” out there and I’m not kidding. 

Happenstance, na I don’t think soooooo!  A recent Saturday morning I was walking on the golf course thinking about several opportunities I passed on earlier in the summer (i.e. our situation didn't seem to fit well at the time).  I was thinking that usually when you pass on opportunities they are gone forever.  Just then my phone rang.  Guess what, I was offered one of those opportunities that I passed on.  Our situation is somewhat better now and I said yes.  How about that.  My mind changed in a matter of seconds.  Bingo.

Joesixpack asks--Why do most folks’ minds change between the ages of 20 to 35? Mark Twain said—“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much he had learned in 7 years.”  Joesixpack says—I have some family that are in their 50s and their minds have not changed yet; I’m sorry to say that some of my family are idiots and alcohol only makes them worse. Ouchy ouchy!

Charles Dickens said—“Reflect upon your present blessings—of which every man has many—not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”  Is that a mind decision or a gut decision?

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—A smile is a wrinkle that shouldn’t be removed.

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