October 24, 2015

I didn't see that coming!

“Winston tastes good like a cigarette should" is an enduring slogan that appeared in newspaper, magazine, radio, and television advertisements for Winston cigarettes from the brand's introduction in 1954 until 1972. It is one of the best-known American tobacco advertising campaigns (i.e. I bet many of you youngins didn’t know that).  Winston Churchill once quipped--“Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.” I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it--“I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  Winston Churchill also said--“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

CadillacJack says--I made an egregious error!  It was right under my nose and I didn’t even see it.  What was I doing? It was soooo obvious and I didn’t even see it; I didn’t see it coming at all.  CreamPuffJosie says--What is going on.  Am I blinded ‘cause I pretend to be ignorant?  There is an ad on TV about two parents talking about their young son and his recent football game.  The dad says something like—Isn’t he great; did you see him today!  The mother says in her head—He is not a football player but maybe he can be an announcer.  That sorta kinda makes me laugh.  SusieQ says—Ya, sometimes we are blinded by our bias.  ~  Jr went to the military and his parents were sooooo proud of him.  They went to visit him.  When they got back his parents' friends asked him how they found him.  Oh! His mother said--They had a parade with maybe 1,000 troops marching.  Jr. was the only one in step!

I asked a middle school gal how school was.  She said it was ok; we have a teacher who grades us on how hard we try and not what score we get on the tests.  What?  I don’t want those kids who just try hard doing a procedure on my heart let me tell ya.  It’s like participating trophies to everyone (i.e. we don’t want anyone to realize that they are not as good as some else).  Are participating trophies good or bad? What do you think.  Are we helping kids or hindering them? I read this in the paper soooo it must be right—Study after study has shown that millennials, the first of the trophy generations, are stressed out and depressed.  They were sold a bill of goods when they were kids, and discovering that the harsh realities of life apply to them too (i.e. had to have been like a punch to the gut). Oh that reality.  They didn’t see that coming! They were living in la-la land and it’s gone. Bingo.

WorldClassLary asks—What should we be teaching our kids anyway? 

Shush!  MissPerfect says--Don’t try to correct me. I am a sycophant and I like it.  Saturday question—Are you a real deal or a phony?  I read in the paper, soooo it must be right, that without any sense of meaning, people become dangerous to themselves and others.  Viktor Frankl says—Every moment involves choices, and consciously using that moment to make positive choices makes all the difference.  Such is life. Shhhhhhhh! LuckieEddie says--I don’t like to think about stuff like that; …happens and then I say—I didn’t see that coming! Da!

What audience do we play to (e.g. politicians please different audiences at different times—it’s all about getting the vote)? ItchieBitchie says--If we seek to play to different audiences at different times, we become susceptible to situational ethics and motivations based on the need for the moment.  The audience at the time becomes a pawn in our hands because we know what they want. What do you think? Saturday question—What audience are you trying to appease today? I think for me, my audience changes as I get older and as my situation changes.  How about you? Maybe I’m just becoming an independent old fart or maybe I have gained more wisdom.  I don’t know for sure which one it is!  Maybe some of both.  That could be. Such is life.

I read in the paper, soooo it must be right, that Mrs. Clinton is proposed to capture 48% of the female Democratic caucusgoers, 49% of those with no college degree, and 55% of seniors.  It appears maybe that a lot of her advertising is targeted to those groups.  KnowItAllSally says--Hey, ya got to do what you got to do to get elected; ya got to kiss up to the folks who will vote for you!  Ouchy ouchy!

EngineerJim (i.e. anybody can be a Jim) sent me this--erv, for some reason I thought that this might interest you. Check out the website. I always welcome new words.  This one is particularly fitting in light of national events.

I was running the other morning and thinking about a guy.  All of a sudden he drives up from behind.  I waved him down and told him I was just thinking of him (i.e. happenstance, na I don’t think so)--Oh ya!--I was just thinking that you are one lucky guy to stare death in the face and win—ya, I didn’t see that cancer coming—how many years has it been—14—wow, you seem to live a good quality life—pretty much but age is taking it’s toll—how old are you—81; I’m pretty thankful alright. 

Sadly the pastor said to the official board.  “I feel we may as well drop the midweek prayer meeting.” This caused a furore among the elders and they indignantly refused to agree.  “But, brothers and sisters,” said the minister, “what you don’t seem to know is that no one has shown up for the midweek prayer meeting for the last six months.”  They didn’t see that coming!  Ouchy ouchy! GeorgeTheCrook says--Sometimes we live in an illusionary world. Joesixpack says—what’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

Pam and Bill
CrazyMarvin said--I don’t think BuiltLikeaBrickShitHousePam likes her husband, BigBoyBill, very well.  I heard her scream at him the other night—I would like to sew your butt closed!  Ouchy ouchy!  BigBoyBill said—I didn’t see that coming, I thought we were getting along just fine.  What in the world is going on. I wonder if that will chance her libido with me? CrazyMarvin says—Don’t get soooo excited BigBoyBill, my wife, SexieCarol, seems to have a period of time each month when she talks like that toooo.  Such is life.

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says--Conscience is the still small voice that makes you feel still smaller.

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