October 31, 2015

Scary scary really scary

Disclaimer—Hey boys and girls, this “It’s Saturday” is not prophetic!  Take these words as serious as the words of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.  ItchieBitchie says—erv, most of what you say I take as hogwash or just grandiloquent words!  SlickWillie says—Yabut, I might be the Lone Ranger but I have to admit that some of that stuff that those folks say (i.e. like LuckieEddie) in “It’s Saturday” stick to me like dried up oatmeal does to my bowl.  Ha ha, I’m just spoofing ya! 

Marvin Purser (i.e. anyone can be a Marvin) says--Some people look for happiness in the past and say, "When I was younger. "Some look in the future and say, "When I get rich, I am going to...." Some look in the present and say, "Let's enjoy it while we got it...."  And then there are some who just work to reach one goal after another, and happiness taps them on the shoulder and says, "Boo!"

In children’s stories they talk about the wicket witch and the good witch.  Are there such things? I have heard folks talk like saying—she is a witch; I think reverting to the fact that she is not nice.  But I have never heard anyone refer to someone as a witch in meaning she is a good witch.  Are witches all female? Are all witches scary? All the witches I have seen at Halloween are portrayed as female, scary witches.  What does a witch in real life look like?  Can a real life witch look nice but be a witch internally?  I hear folks say—she’s a witch but she doesn’t look that bad to me (i.e. not scary).  I’m confused.  Are we confusing our kids with this good witch/bad witch stuff?  I heard ItchieBitchie say to someone the other day—I don’t like SlimyHerb.  He is a terrible guy. He really stinks!  He smells soooo bad that when I’m around him I have to breathe through my mouth! Maybe he’s a male witch!  Could be.  I don’t know.  What do you think? I asked my foursome the other day about if there are good witches and bad witches—they said all witches are bad—witchcraft is not a good place to go.  And these guys are smart! Saturday question—Do you believe in Satin?  How about demons? I hear about folks that are Satin worshipers.  Do folks strike deals with their demons? Are some folks demon possessed? Crazy to me but…! Joesixpack says—You don’t hear much about Satin and demons in our culture today; at least I don’t.  Huh, interesting.

I tell you want’s scary folks.  It’s how we as consumers are such suckers.  An acquaintance has one of those new fitbits.  I asked her how much she walks in a day—about 3 miles—woopsie do—that burns about 300 calories (i.e. about 100 calories are burnt for a 160# person per mile) and most of that walking is from the couch to the pantry to get more chips or to the bathroom to get rid of the more chips.  I asked her if that new-fangled counter counts intake calories—uh, no, I don’t want to know that; I eat way toooo much!  I think someone should invent a counter that is implanted in the mouth that counts calories and after 1,800 it locks the mouth shut.  I don’t think folks would like that (i.e. they won’t sell).   It doesn’t make them feel good.  Suckers!  OneSmartGal told me that they are going to change information on food containers (i.e. nutritional information) to be in normal portions instead of a slight portion. We are such suckers.  We don’t want to deal with reality.  Advertisers know what they are doing.  Arlene likes Raisin Brand for breakfast--The serving size they use is a cup; 2 cups is more realistic. Now that is 460 calories and 92g of carbs and 36g of sugar.  Ouchy ouchy!  I asked the gals at Casey's what is their most popular soft drink--Mtn Dew hands down. A 20 oz oz bottle of Mtn Dew has 290 calories, 77g of carbs and 77g of sugar.  Ouchy ouchy! Agolfbuddy (i.e. when he has good hip turn he's really good) says—You can’t walk off over eating; you can’t walk off gluttony!  Such is life.

And, as a bonus... a recent study found that the average American walks about 900 miles a year. Another study found that on average Americans drink 22 gallons of alcohol per year. That means that the average American gets about 41 miles to the gallon! Now that's scary!

Joesixpack says—erv, my sister-in-law, YackWomanBrenda is scary; I mean frightening!  She’s a witch let me tell ya.  Are you sure Joesixpack?  Does she have black hair, a long nose and warts on her face?  Let me tell you erv, my brother must have married her for her money or because she is a good cook or something else ‘cause she is a trophy witch!  She would win any witch competition hands down. 

Scary! A Hotel guest calls the Front desk and the clerk answers, "May I help you?" The man says, "Yes, I'm in room 858. You need to send someone to my room immediately.  I'm having an argument with my wife and she says she's going to jump out the window." The desk clerk says, "I'm sorry sir, but that's a personal matter." The man replies, "Listen you idiot. The window won't open... and that's a maintenance matter."

The scary juxtaposition of savings! I read in the paper, so it must be right, that 21 million Americans aren’t saving for retirement at all—that’s 9% of the adult population. In addition, one in four Americans doesn’t have any “emergency” savings. SusieQ says—Yabut they are enjoying life and not worrying about the future!  The future will take care of its self.  The government will do it, it will won’t it.  Now that is scary!  I would guess that some folks just can’t save (i.e. an impossibility for many different reasons).  And there are folks who are capable but just don’t save (i.e. for many reasons).  Sooooo, how does America handle those situations? Do we throw them under the bus or give them entitlements? GeorgeTheCrook says—To get votes, we give them entitlements!  Ouchy ouchy!  Hey, it seems to work. 

OneSmartMan asked me if I saw the movie “Silence of the Lambs?” No I didn’t.  He said there is a line in there that is applicable as to what we were talking about.  It goes like this—We covet what we see every day. He says it’s better in the movie. AverageJoe says--That coveting is hard on saving. Now that is scary!

LuckyEddie says--Kindness is the true revealer of a person’s greatness.  Scary huh! My Daddy, Chester, would say—If you are good you don’t have to tell anyone! DuaneTheWorm says—I like to tell folks how great I am.  DuaneTheWorm, we know!!!

WildWilma says—Some things about change or progress are scary to me.  I really don’t know if they are for the best.  Maybe change just scares me.  Now that could be.  But it appears to me that our culture and society is really changing.  Maybe it has always been that way and it always will.  Could be but it’s still scary. 

I read this while eating my oatmeal with half a banana on it--Our great-grandparents called it the Holy Sabbath. Our grandparents called it the Sabbath. Our parents called it Sunday. Today, people call it the weekend. Joesixpack says—If you aren’t a believer, it’s just that—a weekend.  If you are retired and not a church goer, it’s not any different than another day. There's an old Puritan saying, "Good Sabbaths make good Christians." Are we seeing changing habits, beliefs, things of importance, and a new normal that's reality? Is that scary or not?  SusieQ says—Right now everything is going great and it doesn’t seem to matter (i.e. many folks seem to think they are in total control of their lives). SirLawrence says--Maybe worship patterns/ideas/rituals are changing just like everything else.  There aren't many Puritans around, are there? It sure seems like there aren't as many church goers as there us to be, does there? It seems to appear that church going isn't as important to many as it use to be.  What do you think?

ChurchLadyBetty asks--Are many Christians just hypocrites?  Trump says--...you can't be in the middle more than me--I want it both ways). Are the Ten Commandments just hyperbole?  What does it mean to keep the Sabbath Holy? Are we just living in a different culture?  Are religious practices changing to fit our life styles? Are the Bible teachings just ethical admonitions; out dated and unrealistic in in modern society? Are they just underlying principals which can be interpreted as we please in our fast changing technology world? Are Christians becoming more--God loves me and will about accept me anyway I am and what I do.  HighlyEducatedHarry says--God has so many paradoxical teachings that are confusing to me (i.e. like it says you can't work on Sunday but he healed on Sunday and let his disciples pick gran on Sunday). HighlyEducatedHarry goes on to say--I think I know more than God does; That is maybe why many of the new ere, modern folks might think they can do what they want and it will be ok in the end. Everyone has an opinion on that I guess.  BUT when the gonger gongs, it will all be as clear as a bell! Bingo. Is that scary?

I read this in the paper soooo it must be right--Oprah Winfrey has become one of the most influential spiritual leaders in America. To her audience of more than 22 million, mostly female viewers, she has become a postmodern priestess—an icon of church-free spirituality.What do you think of that? Is that scary or not? Hey, she buys 10% of Weight Watchers which drives up the stock price considerably in one day (i.e. made herself $70,000,000 in one day).  It appears that she has clout folks!

Bobbythezombie says--This party is dead, I love it!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—If any speak evil of you, so live that none will believe it.

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