June 6, 2020

it is but it isn't

ItchieBitchie says—This “It’s Saturday” is an equivocation.  erv, did you do that on purpose or by accident?  I’m being ambiguous and vague with my answer.  Soooo you decide and whichever way you decide, it’s ok with me.  Einstein’s long-time friend died, and he was consoling his widow.  He told her—“We physicists know that past, present and future are only an illusion no matter how persistent.”  Some think that statement might be Einstein’s deepest statement he ever made.  I don’t understand it and most likely most of you probably don’t either (i.e. BUT you can understand it any way you want).   It is hard to understand each other, let’s face it (i.e. everyone seems to have a different opinion); now that is for sure.  Sooooo read your own meaning into this stuff in this “It’s Saturday.”  If the shoe fits, wear it.  Such is life.

Saturday question—Are you real or a fake.  UckyYuck (i.e. who proves that “fool” has no age limit) says—I look really good but I’m a total fake on the inside. LuckieEddie says—IrritatingBozella (i.e. who appears to think different that most folks) just rubs me wrong and I don’t think I’m any different than the average Joe sooooo she might rub a lot of folks wrong.  Some years ago, I knew two folks.  They were supposedly friends of each other.  One told me that they just can't stand the other and then later the other told me that they can’t stand the other.  They both told me why they couldn’t stand the other.  It was quite interesting.  I guess they rubbed each other wrong.  I have no idea what happened to their relationship. But they are both died. Soooo I guess it really doesn’t matter now does it!

Flip the pancake—Recently I had two friends (i.e. both of these friends are neat folks) tell me about a friend they had (i.e. happened to be each other).  The first one said such nice things about the other to me and then at a later time, the other said such nice things about the other to me.  And the both of them did it in such a humble way making no reference to themselves.  They both gave me the feeling that they both were comfortable with themselves (i.e. had confidence--had a great feeling of themselves but thought the others were even greater). RickyRick says--Humility doesn’t mean thinking of yourself less. It means thinking of others and God more.

Maybe I see something that I haven’t seen before. I think, maybe, I’m figuring out a little of my life out a little, maybe a glimpse. Or is it an imagination?  Maybe.  This is pretty deep.  Maybe it’s only a temporary feeling like eating ice cream! I don’t expect my life to make any sense to you ‘cause it just can’t be understood by you; it’s way toooooo complicated even for me most of the time and you don’t spend near as much time with me as I do.  Soooo there you go, now you understand me!  haha  And you know what, my evaluation and interpretation might not be accurate; it might be like a mirage of an oases in the dessert. And maybe it is and maybe it isn’t!

A pickleball friend (i.e. a good guy with a good heart) sent me this in an email.  He’s a devote Catholic.  The reason why I tell you that is because the story is about a couple of other Catholics.  In one of your blogs you said something about actions are better than words, and it reminded me of a story that I heard at a retreat.     This young nun was going around this church putting up large signs like "PRAISE THE LORD".   "GIVE ALMS TO THE POOR". and many others , when she noticed this older nun following her putting something on her new posters.  She looked closer at what the old nun was placing on her fine work. It was sticky notes that said.  " do it, damn it".  What you do is so much more important than words.

It is and it isn’t! If someone was to write a book or do a movie about our lives, what would it be like?  I’m thinking about a non-fiction book with no embellishments, exaggerations, adds to the story, fake stuff, not just based on a true story mentality which is made for a book or movie, but the real story of our lives.  All books and movies have a similar scheme as folks like that and they sell (i.e. it’s all about the money folks—you give folks what they want).  Many of our lives, we would think, would be pretty boring I would guess.  Many of our lives would seem pretty trivial, we would think, if we would take all the fluff out (i.e. no one would want to read or see it). What have we really accomplished that is important?  Hopefully we all have accomplished some great accomplishments; more than made some money or scored a touchdown in jr. high football bought a new car have a lot of clothes in the closet or have the best lawn mower on the block (i.e. material stuff).  What have we really accomplished?  Not what maybe others even know what we have accomplished (i.e. only each one of us knows these accomplishments that are soooo important to us).  We all know what we have accomplished and what we haven’t.  DuaneTheWorm says—I can fool others, but I have a hard time fooling myself.  CoachB says—What you are is much more important than where you are.  Think about that folks.  And zoooooom, life on this earth is over!

A friend was at my house and the door bell rang soooo I went to the door but no one was there.  Later the door bell rang again and I went to the door and no one was there again.  The third time the door bell rang and I went to the door and again no one was there.  Then they told me that it was their cell phone!  Now that is how easy it is to fool Suckererv!  Such is life.

I try more and more to stay away from folks who put me in difficult situations in my life and try to be around folks who help me in difficult times of my life.  I don’t need more conflict, but I like more happiness and contentment and peace.  Now I just have to decide and ascertain who those folks are.  I need more folks who will take me to the moon!!!!

I struggle with this thought some—Am I just passing time?  Should I be doing something more constructive or am I just wasting my time?  A friend told me that their son told her that her reading is not a hobby but she is just passing time!  I think reading is a good hobby and can be very constructive (i.e. at least I think it is).  I have a friend who reads informative stuff about investing. That is what he enjoys doing as a hobby or is he just passing time? It appears that we all pass our time differently.  Some friends just amaze me what they do in a day compare to me and others don’t seem like they do much compared to me.  Soooo what are folks passing their time to get toooo?  I mean, are we just passing our time until we die?  Is that it?  Then we just pass on! I hear folks say—It’s a good time filler or a good time killer! 

Worked on a little wood working project the other day (i.e. trying to be constructive) using a friend’s workshop. It went well until I broke the jigsaw blade. Sooo I was using the miter power saw to cut most of the excess wood off and then I thought I would sand the edges (i.e. ya got to be creative). That went well unto part of project chipped off. I glued it. I think it will look great when I get it done. Another day or two!! MAYBE!!!  You know a guy could get hurt doing this stuff.  But I passed some time!  It was probably a 15-minute project for my friend, but it will end up being a couple hour project for me.  And I will never forget this experience.  I will always laugh when I look at it. What a hoot! As a friend says—It’s good enough for who it’s for! And you know what folks, no one will ever notice or care other than me!

Soooo do you have hobbies that really relieve you of stress?  I guess many of you do.  You just really enjoy them and forget about maybe things that are difficult in your life.  These hobbies are different for different folks for sure.  Some of your hobbies would not be stress relievers for me but just would give me more stress.  As I told a friend the other day—If that is what you enjoy, do it!  He said—That is what I’m doing.  BUT I suggest we all do something; don’t do nuttin!  Doing nuttin is stressful!  Here is something that I can do sometimes—compare myself with others.  Some folks do way more stuff than me and I question myself if I should be doing more.  Then I say to myself, na, I don’t think sooooo.  I get tired enough the way it is!  Or as a friend’s friend tells him—When you get an idea of doing soooo much, just call me and I’ll talk you back to your senses real quick (i.e. get that out of your head). Soooo it is and it isn’t! Besides, three o'clock is always toooooo late or toooo early for anything you wan to do.  Presumably it is toooo late to have a post-lunchtime nap and tooooo early for a cocktail!

A friend, Jim, (i.e. anybody can be a Jim) made me a “bogeybird.” That is sorta kinda one of his hobbies.  I like it. It makes me smile and also reminds me of him, a good guy with a good heart; my kind of person. But what I really need is a “birdybird!”  My big couz, only in age, sent me an email and here is part of it about her new hobby--I am also cleaning dresser drawers, I asked Ron to carry a large garbage bag down and toss it. He said “wow, you cleaned all the drawers today?” I said “ no , just two.”  I wondered who in the world would ever keep the stuff I did!! I love the one totally empty drawer.  Nuts, I know !!  Believe me folks, she is a star!  I love her!

Friends went to the Cities’ suburbs to celebrate one of their daughter’s 50th birthday.  Their sons-in-law (i.e. both good golfers) took my friend (i.e. a good golfer for an ol’ guy) to play Chaska Town Course (i.e. a very nice course).  At the first tee, a gal, about 20, comes up and says she is suppose to play with them sooo they cordially receive her.  My friend says—We are going to play captain’s choice and greenies.  You want to play with us—sure—we play for quarters and the maximum you could lose is 75 cents a hole, can you afford that—I think soooo.  She tees offs with my friend from the middle tees.  After the round, she has 13 hickeys, my friend has 3, one son-in-law has one and the other none!!!!!  Now that is getting your clock cleaned! 

Yes, some you folks are going places alright.  BUT I don’t know and you don’t know where you are going!  God only knows.  I listened to Charles (i.e. there a lot of Charles) the other day and he said—The first part of the equation of having inner peace is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and then we don’t have to worry about where we are going after our death (i.e. that takes a lot of pressure off).  Another suggestion he gave is to totally believe that God is sovereign.  Yes, he said, God does things, let things happen and doesn’t let things happen (i.e. all in His own time that is best for us) but He is totally in charge.  That also takes a lot of pressure off us.  JoeBlow says—That is easy to understand and at times it isn’t!

Very simple advice from a simple place for sure.  I think for some folks this isolation makes life a lot easier; they don’t have to be around certain folks.  GoodExcuseJo says—Sorry I can’t be around you to talk, it’s the COVID-19 thing (i.e. she didn’t want to talk to BigMouthGert for sure) soooo that is her excuse.  Or sorry, I have a business call on the other line soooo I have to go.  Or, I’m working from home and am busy right now. Or, you are in a highly dangerous health risk category soooooo I don’t want to put any risk on you.

Have you ever been in a group of folks in which you feel “it is and it isn’t?”   Something seems like something is just a little amiss.  It is not a bad feeling necessarily but it feels that things just don’t fit completely, maybe?  There could be many reasons for that feeling and some of those feelings might not even be correct but might be our imagination or how our mind has been programmed by our past environment or our current environment, maybe. We can actually get along well with the folks and enjoy their company but fell that the situation is a bit amiss. And I think that feeling of amiss might be a very good experience for me.  Maybe that is discernment, maybe (i.e. maybe it’s a blessing with wisdom).  Instead of being a negative, it might be a positive, maybe.

This “It’s Saturday” was not a prevarication.  I can assure you of that.  WorldClassLarry says--This equivocation thing works in the make-believe world and can be even fun BUT in the real world it causes many problems.  In “Hamlet,” William Shakespeare wrote, “How absolute the knave is! we must speak by the card, or equivocation will undo us.  CadillacJack say—Throughout all history propaganda has been a huge massive force that has been used (i.e. used very effectively—a great war tactic and also used in many other ways). WildWilie says—It is used constantly and every day!  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out! A friend told me this story in the shed which is deep in Butler County in the middle of a huge massive corn field.  A friend of his, I think maybe, who is now died, told all the farmers that a farm that was for sale was a piece of junk and was way overpriced (i.e. really bad-mouthed it).  They asked him who ended up buying it--He and his son bought it!  Flip the pancake.  This friend who told me that story told me a story about himself—He went to a land action as he was just being nosy as toooo who was going to buy the farm.  He thought that the farm was crazily under priced so he put in a low ball bid and no one else bid and he bought the farm.  When he got home, his wife asked him who bought the farm—we did—don’t be funny, who bought the farm—we did—and she said—and how are we going to pay for that!  FYI that farm is worth about maybe 10xs more now as what they paid for it. Some folks get all the breaks!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFreindJean says—Live simple, love generously, care deeply and speak kindly.

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