June 27, 2020

might change my tune

JoeHistory, who is a head shaker, says--The king was scared to death. When people are panicking, they get emotional. They start making illogical requests. Maybe it’s best that we try to understand why they are panicking before moving ahead.  Psychologically, it seems to be better if we know why the person(s) is thinking the way they are thinking (i.e. why they are programmed by their genetics and/or their environment both past and present) if we want to do a better job in motivating them to something better. 

It seems I have read a lot recently in many different sources of how people are stressed about life in their current situation about the pandemic.  Most stress seems to be about their safety, their health, and their finances it seems (i.e. great sources of anxiety).  Are you stressed? I have learned that there is a huge massive demand for bikes, boats, campers, swimming pools, flowers, etc.  I tried to buy some new biking shorts the other day and basically they are all sold out unless you wear XXL. Sooooo if you want to sell your stuff a.k.a. junk, this is a good time to do soooo. The housing market is booming as well. I have no idea what this all means. Maybe I am missing the boat and LittleJimmer is right.  He told me last week—Grandpa, you need to buy a new car as your seat belts are tooooo hard tooooo buckle!

Infection isn’t always bad.  Some folks infect us with a positive, uplifting feelings.  Of course, there are some who infect us with a negative, demeaning feelings.  They are both infectious folks.  One of Churchill’s leadership qualities was to tell the folks the situation but always end his speeches with something positive that wanted the people to charge forward.  I like that.  The people he was leading did tooooo.  I enjoy being around folks who are sincerely encouraging (i.e. not over the top encouraging—faky).  Many of you are great encouragers.  I hope you and I encourage others.  I think it’s very important for us to uplift folks.  We all need encouragement and need to encourage (i.e. my opinion).

PastorJack (i.e. anybody can be a Jack) spook at our church Sunday.  I thought he did an excellent job and I told him that (i.e. my opinion). He spook about the responsibility of parents and particularly dads in the teaching of their children.  He did say that it is a bit awkward, tricky, and difficult to teach adult children, their spouses, grandkids and great grandkids.  I agreed with that tooooo.  ANYWAY, that afternoon, our son, wife and grandkids facetimed with me.  Had a great conversation about many things.  One thing we talked about was their friends’ electric car.  This friend appears to be a great success—they became friends in college.  He is from Africa, stayed in U.S., worked in technology, started his own company, married and has a family.  I asked our son how his company is going due to the virus situation.  He didn’t know.  I suggested he ask him.  He might want to have someone to share his situation with, whether it’s either good or bad.  I think many times we talk about cars and stuff but not about sharing our life’s situation with others or giving someone an opportunity to express themselves.  Was that good parenting or did I put my nose somewhere where it didn’t belong? Maybe that is one of my stupid times when I should have said nuttin! I don’t know.  Sooooo the next day I read about a person who gave an opportunity to a friend who was never vocal about his faith and who is now struggling with their health.  They asked him if he would like to share his faith in God with them. The person took advantage of the opportunity to share and seemed to welcome the opportunity.  Probably never really had the opportunity to do it before.  Idea for each of us.  Maybe.  JoeBlow says—It’s easier to be a chicken! Bok blok bagok blok bok! LuckieEddie says--It's better to be a chicken than than the possibility of being roadkill! That my friends is called risk and reward!

Do we ever think about the “stupid” things we’ve done in life? Occasionally a moment, a word, a person, or a circumstance will remind us of a mistake we’ve made, and we say to ourselves, “I should have known better.” In those thoughts, I am embarrassed with myself and regret how I may have hurt someone maybe. I don’t like it when I have messed up (i.e. I beat myself up).  WorldClassLarry says--The person with wisdom knows (i.e. through his own experiences, I’m sure) what happens when we put wisdom aside and rely on our feelings and interpretations.  Wisdom might change a person’s tune alright.  Paul (i.e. anybody can be a Paul) says--Every professor who ridiculed you because of your faith and every friend who tried to convince you to abandon your faith will one day praise Jesus. Every entertainer who made a mockery of God’s name and every politician who opposed his ways will praise him. Everyone (i.e. that's a big number folks) will one day bow before Jesus (Philippians 2:9-11). CrazyMarvin (i.e. who thinks differently) says—Wow! That will be one humbling experience for all of us exposing what we have said, done and thought in our lives.  Yikes! That might change my tune!

Theguyfromnorthoftown says--It’s always easier to pull people down than pull them up. That’s why we must make sure the people we hang out with the most are moving us in the right direction. They should be building us up rather than tearing us down. I have sorta kinda been wondering about a friend if he and I are going the same direction.  I am going to see what happens.  He seems to have changed.  Saturday question--Where do you want to be in 10 years? What kind of person do you want to be? LuckieEddie says--If you tell me two things about you—the people you spend your time with and what you’re reading—then I can tell you where you’ll end up, without even knowing you. Those two factors will determine your future (i.e. now that is a pretty powerful statement). 

Soooooo I called a super senior friend and her senior daughter answered the phone using her telemarketing language.  I let her go one for a while as it was quite entertaining and then said it was me.   Oh oh, she changed her tune.  It was rather funny.  The next time she saw me she apologized profusely.  What a hoot!

WorryWartJane always thinks everything is a big deal and GetItDoneDotta just does in and it’s done.  There is a big difference in those two.  Why is that do you think?  One makes a lot of noise and makes it a big deal and the other doesn’t make any noise and has it done in 2 minutes.   Some folks always have a lot of drama with everything and others seem to have no drama.  Some can see a problem and can figure out how to fix it and another can’t see the problem or can see it but can’t figure out how to fix it.  Maybe some like to worry and stew about it more than others.  I don’t know.  What do you think?  That is what I thought. I know friends who get more done by 8 in the morning than others do in a week (i.e. but they can talk and stew about it for days).  Joesixpack says—My wife can make the simplest thing to do soooo hard a.k.a. soooo complicated! I think that is soooo funny or crazy!  GeorgeTheCrook says—Maybe that is why some are better leaders than others. Could be. Could be!  SusieQ says—There are problem solvers and there are problem makers, for sure!  I don’t think she will change her tune on that!

We seem to all have phobias, prejudices, complexes, opinions, beliefs, paranoia, idiosyncrasies, behavioral disorders, bad habits, deficiencies, conditions, egotistical behaviors, limitations, and God only knows what else.  And that makes us who we are.  And we wonder why we always don’t get along very well.  I was sitting on the front porch of James and Heather’s house in CO.  A little girl, who lives across the street, told us that they have about 99 birds in their garage.  The lady across the street goes hysterical.  Another family is really big into car racing and has race cars.  And those are just the folks across the street.  AverageJoe says—Those folks don’t seem to be normal like me!  haha

GeorgeTheCrook says—What really is bad is when we don’t know we have these odd qualities and think we are perfect.  Or maybe even worse than that is being around someone who think they don’t have any of these qualities but do.  ItchieBitchie says—"There are two kinds of folks—those who come into a room and say, ‘Well, here I am!’ and those who come in and say, ‘Ah, there you are..’”  Had the oil changed in my car.  One of the mechanics at this automotive dealership is a friend and has been there for 38 years.  We were talking when a cute, attractive 35ish gal was my service representative.  I said to my friend, things have changed in those 38 years.  He said, they sure have.  You have to be careful now how you act and talk with working with females.  Oh, she a good person and great to work with. She is just part of the team; don’t let her looks fool you, she can trash talk with the best of us; she doesn’t get offended and doesn’t take things oddly! ItchieBitchie says—Some folks are the problem and some are problem solvers! CadillacJack says—What is really ugly is when a person is the problem and doesn’t know it (i.e. which might be all of us to some degree).

Talked to a friend who I haven’t seen for some time at the grocery store.  I asked him how his golf game is.  He said—I don’t get any better but I play a lot.  Then he told me that he doesn’t complain anymore though—I use to complain but one night at league I was complaining that my game didn’t get any better when my opponent asked me if I practice—no, I don’t—then quite your complaining.  I changed my tune and have not complained since.

She changed her tune; I mean completely changed her tune.  A friend told me that she has changed her vision of her future recently.  She made a complete change in the direction she was going.  I asked her why.  Well, I got tired of my situation and also the remarks of a couple of folks made to me.  She seemed really happy and excited.  I’m happy for her as I think it’s a good decision for her.  I think it’s good to change our old tune sometimes.  BUT she already has had a disappointment in going forward with her new tune.  We talked about that.  That can and probably will happen.  That is why many folks won’t change their tune.  I told her to look at it as an opportunity.  We laughed!

I said to a friend recently—I haven’t heard back from a friend of hers about a potential business opportunity; I don’t know if that’s good or bad; how do I know!  Now ain’t that the truth.  I have no idea.  I have had it times when something that I think is really good turns out bad and also the opposite when I think something bad is happening to me and I find out it’s really good.  And when I find out, I change my tune!  And sometimes, maybe, I never find out I bet (i.e. ‘cause it’s way beyond me, over my head).  BUT many times it takes me some time to figure this out.  I need to be more patient. 

Many of you think what you just read is “lunie tunie.”  BUT you never know, some ideas might cling to you like a barnacle (i.e. why is that).  There are a lot of folks who have a lot of “how-tooooos” and will tell you them all but don’t seem like they have applied them to their own life (i.e. hopefully that is not you).  WorldClassLarry says--It’s better that we don’t nudge them by telling them that!  They seem to think they know all the answers for sure! And that thinking could be all of us to some degree tooooo!

I am about 100% certain that this “It’s Saturday” didn’t change your tune one little iota. That’s my opinion for whatever it’s worth (i.e. and it ain’t worth nuttin—you can bet your last dollar on that).

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFriendJean says—Junk is stuff we throw out. Stuff is the junk we keep.

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