June 13, 2020

you ain't seen nuttin yet

I seem to go out on a limb a lot.  It’s dangerous I have found out many times.  Many folks won’t take any risk and just stay close to home; they like it that way.  And others go out on the limb more.  This “It’s Saturday” is going out on a limb.  Soooo don’t take me tooooo serious.  It’s just fun.  Relax a little!  If your feelings get hurt, change your attitude.  Don’t over react.  You know what folks, you ain’t seen nuttin yet as to what is going to happen!  Yikes!

Moviemakers use music to set the mode for a scene, and we respond accordingly!  No one hearing tense, “Jaws” – style music is expecting Julie Andres to bust through a door singing some happy tune.  I am not trying to influence you in any way.  Besides I can’t. You folks are who you are and hard to change in any way (i.e. you folks are tooooo hard and ingrained in your beliefs from your past environment and your current environment for sure).  Some of you I wish I could change but my odds are probably slim to none.  Soooo let’s accept each other and go forward (i.e. or not).  The older I get, the more I realize that a person has to be tough and gritty as life is not easy and if you aren’t, well, as my friend says—getting older isn’t for sissies and it just ain’t easy (i.e. you gotta be a tough old bird).  BUT there is certain thinking of others that I just don’t understand and never will—how can anyone believe in abortion and how can anyone not believe in God.  I just don’t understand those things.  But, many do they say.  I say to that—Ouchy ouchy!  BUT folks must think I’m crazy how I think.  I say this toooo many folks’ thinking---DA! (e.g. space is big; you just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-mindbogglingly big it is. It is incomprehensible!). DA!

KnowItAllJoe says--Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window.  Much of our future seems like it is unpredictable.  Much of my life’s future is unpredictable probably like much of yours.  Some of the future is predictable (e.g. things are going to change and is not going as predicted both good and bad—that is a certainty).  I think that is exciting and also can be scary.   My opinion is “we ain’t seen nuttin yet” as what our future will be.  God only knows! Many folks will be really surprised.  For sure! 

Warren Buffet says—In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield. My Daddy, Chester, taught me to be diversified in investing; don’t put all your eggs in one basket.  ExperiencedJoe says--What looks good today might not be soooo good tomorrow; what doesn’t look soooo good today might look pretty good tomorrow.  My mentor would say to me—erv, when it’s good, folks think it will always be good and when it is bad, folks think it will always be bad; life doesn’t seem to work that way. I guess we just experienced that once again with this COVID-19.  Will we ever learn?  We don’t seem toooo learn that very easily. It appears that there are things that humans just can’t control (i.e. the sure thing isn’t always the sure thing or is it).  According to the Bible, we ain’t seen nuttin yet! Saturday question—How long is eternity?

I read this while eating my oatmeal with a half a banana on it—Dr.J said—"We should guard against the desire to quit. Sometimes we grow weary, but we should never become weary of the work the Lord gives us to do. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Hebrews 12:3 warns against becoming “weary and discouraged in [our] souls.” God has done so much for us. We should never become weary in doing good for Him. Make up your mind to stay enthused, determined, and active in whatever task God gives you today. Never grow weary in doing good. It’s always too soon to quit.” Sooooo let’s throw those chips away and get our butts off the couch and do something—suck it up cupcake and let’s get going. I pray for opportunities, and for the wisdom to recognize them and for the courage to act on them.   WorldClassLarry says—There are three kinds of folks, folks who are ignorant, those who sit up and notice, and those who do something about it.  A PersonFromTheMetro says—It doesn’t do much good to sit up and take notice if you aren’t going to do something about it (i.e. talk talk talk gets nuttin done). 

The other morning I stepped out the door to go on an early morning jog when the robins were angry and making a lot of noise.  A hawk just swooped down and picked up a juvenile robin of theirs.  Those juveniles are stupid and vulnerable.  The hawk just caught it's breakfast.  I’m in CO supervising our grand kids as their day camps aren’t open.  Well, I don’t know if I am supervising them or they are supervision me.  It appears that some older folks get stupid and vulnerable with they get older as well.  They are old enough to take care of themselves sorta kinda soooo they basically take advantage of me (i.e. and I don’t mind it a bit).  Their idea is—If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts!  And I don’t know what the facts are anyway soooo…!

Sooooo last week, I played pickleball and then rushed back to play golf (i.e. I walked). It was in the middle of 90s and humid.  Man was I tired and hot when I got done!  Soooo when I got done, I got a text from friends to stop for a ice tea on their patio soooo I did.  MyFriendBecky said—Your voice is strained.  It was, no doubt.  Even my ears were echoing.  I think I was over heated and dehydrated.  I drank the ice tea and a bottle of water and felt better.  Not real smart for an old guy!   Soooo the next day I get a call from an ol’ college friend from MN (i.e. old in more than one way and hot in more than one way tooooo haha).  He told me that yesterday he ran his skidster all day doing work at one of his apartment buildings in the same sun and heat.  He had a crew of day laborers and didn’t want to take a break as then they would as well (i.e. the day laborers really worked hard and never complained).  When he quit for the day, he was soooo hot and dehydrated that he lost his balance and could hardly walk.  Not real smart for another old guy for sure. 

This is an experience of my old friend, Deano from Danube, MN.  He and I grew up together at Roseland, MN (i.e. he’s an old friend a couple of ways for sure). His story--I was in the McDonald’s drive-through this morning and the young lady behind me (i.e. about 35ish wiho had her hair in a pony tail sticking out her Yankees baseball cap and driving her $76,000 all chromed out 4-wheel drive pu) leaned on her horn because I was taking too long to place my order for my hot fudge sundae. “Take the high road,” I thought to myself. So when I got to the first window I paid for her order along with my own. The cashier must have told her what I'd done, because as we moved up she leaned out her window and waved to me and mouthed "Thank you.", obviously embarrassed that I had repaid her rudeness with a kindness. When I got to the second window I showed them both receipts and took her food too. Now she has to go back to the end of the line start all over. Don't honk your horn at old people.  

When drinking coffee at the shed deep in Butler County in the middle of a huge massive corn field, a friend brought up an individual that had their picture in the paper tooting him as a star.  He asked me something and I said—He’s not a star in my eyes.  I don’t totally dislike this person but surely they aren’t a star in my eyes (i.e. this person has taken advantage of me tooooo many times and I can’t seem to forget it).  Many of you folks are stars in my eyes and maybe never will get your picture in the paper or want it in the paper (i.e. you are my kind of folks—folks with good hearts and don’t toot your own horn and don’t really want your horn tooted).  I admire you folks—keep it up—don’t get discouraged when “stars in the paper” get glorified who maybe aren’t stars (i.e. in your/my opinion). TommyClick says—I can use words/pictures to make anyone a star even if they are not considered a star by most.  Abraham Lincoln said—You can fool some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time.  GeorgeTheCrook (i.e. who some think is a lump of mud) says--Let’s face it folks—people are really easy to fool.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out (e.g. there can be up to 8,000 folks at a protest/demonstration/riot but other requirements are enforced like only one person in a golf cart (i.e. what is good for the goose is good for the gander).  That is funny to me (i.e. funnier that the comics in the paper to me) but I admit, I’m easily fooled for sure. Is this a joke or are they serious? I need help here.  I’m just a little ol’ farm boy from a mile and a quarter south of Roseland, MN.  And they are governors!!

It doesn’t take much to be a star to the grandkids—hiking, fishing, biking, and ice cream is all it takes. I have not seen them for several months and I admit I am really enjoying them.  And have they grown a lot since I saw them, both mentally and physically.  This seems to be a very good experience for me and them.  I hope all of you can have a similar experience with your family.  

Sooooo I stopped at Casey’s the other night.  The pizza gal was outside smoking.  I asked her if she liked her job—I hate it—why—it’s tooooo stressful!  Soooo I made my purchase and asked the clerk if she is stressed toooo—no, not really; only stressed about not having any money; my husband divorced me at Christmas time and with the virus situation, it has been really hard for me.  I transferred from Spencer to here to be with my boy and family who live here.  I like that and it has been much better for me, but I still don’t have any money.  A friend who is a long-time businessperson called me when I got home and told me that the low income folks have really been hurt maybe the worse.  Many have lost their jobs sometimes or have decreased hours because of the virus situation and or riots.  You tell me how this is all going to play out will ya! I don’t have a clue.
D.L. Moody once said—I have more trouble with D.L. Moody than any other person I know.  I think I can relate to Mr. Moody.  Recently, I have been rejected once again (i.e. I’m no virgin folks), but I think it might have been a blessing, maybe (i.e. but I don’t know if it was intentional or just an accident).  I have a friend who says that I’m toooo sensitive and they might be right.  Maybe this rejection might just toughen me up and I will become more independent, maybe. I might go in a different direction because of this rejection which might be good for me or might be bad for me.  Soooo there you go!  I have a friend who, I think, is very independent but very confident and also a very nice person (i.e. seems very happy).  I don’t know why they are this way, but I would guess there are reasons.  Do you think I’m talking about you?  I could be, maybe!

You ain’t seen nuttit yet!  Here are some fun questions for you to think about.  I surely don’t know the answers but as smart as some of you are, you will, maybe!  haha  I like the Sunday School answers (i.e. they make sense to me).  How many times does a person have to hear something for them to believe it?  Does science fix everything which makes it the god of many folks?  Is news manufactured for a purpose? Are intelligent folks usually the first to believe things that aren’t true ‘cause the other folks aren’t smart folks? Do those not-smart folks out there give a hang about the “proper” beliefs? Hating is reserved for media figures, professionals, and older angry women—all know without a shadow of a doubt, they are smarter than those who disagree with them.  If we heard facts without someone else telling us how to interpret them, what independent conclusions would we draw? 

Folks, sometimes I feel like Harold Macmilian, who was the British prime minister for nearly seven years who said—I am MacWonder one moment and MacBlunder the next!

Have a FUN day my friends unless you have other plans. (-:


MyFreindJean says--Family is soooo important; enjoy them as much as possible.  On my way to CO I spent the night in Waukee with our other grandkids.  At breakfast we were talking about their day camp they attend.  Charlie brought up that a boy at the camp isn't very nice.  We talked about maybe it is because of his genetics or his environment.  Charlie said that she has met his mother and she seems to be nice.  Jessica said to her that maybe her mom is a lot nicer to him in public than she is to him at home.  Rookie then says--Mom, you are nice to us at home but even nicer in public!!!!  What a hoot!

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